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Hey, everyone! My name's Lienayo.



I am the newborn of newborns when it comes to Final Fantasy. I haven't much experience with any of the games, but at the same time, it has felt like I've grown up with them, anyway. I've admired them without never really being able to play them (because, as you may see, I spent a good part of my childhood raising pokemon), but that can't really count, now can it? In my endeavor of experiencing a few titles in the months/years to come, I'm happy to say that FFXIV will be my first real taste of this world.



Now that I've said that, I'm not completely clueless, I swear. I've been roleplaying since I was thirteen or so (er... eight years?) and have an infinite love for character creation and development and plot and ideas and it'sreallygreatIloveitall. I find that the best roleplaying partner that I could ever ask for has been, without fail, my significant other for the past three+ years, Hyunseo. It is because of Hyun that I am here, now, in fact! We had been awaiting to release of this game for over a year, having always dipped into any MMO we could get our hands on.



I really look forward to being able to interact with not only the wonders of this world, but with some of you, as well! After failing to hop onto Balmung during the last beta phase, I finally got my character in during Early Access, so I will most likely be on whenever Hyunseo is.

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