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I need RP friends!

Graive Elune

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I am new to FFXIV, completely so. I had a few friends that followed me from another game, but I would love to make more! Once I hit Dragoon ( Getting sick and dealing with a sick toddler has slowed me down a bit! ) I intend to roleplay quite a lot! I enjoy development through roleplay, but I'm not opposed to some pre-plotted story ideas if you have any! Seriously, throw something at me, haha!


My main character is Kheda'ya, a Keeper Miqo'te who was banished from his tribe. He's a bit sexist and has turned against any and all traditions his kind keep. He's a mercenary for hire so that opens up a ton of possibilities! There is no job he won't do!


If you're on Gilgamesh, add me in-game, Kheda'ya Zahre! I'm also in the OOC coalition linkshell, so you can reach me there too!

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