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--MMORPG background: Everquest, DAOC, FFXI, WoW, CoX, ToR, etc etc.


--RP experience: My first RP Experience was started in CoX where I was part of, and eventually ran an RP supergroup.


--Character ideas: Will likely be a Tanking class or Dragoon still deciding


--How did you learn about the coalition? While searching for the unofficial server(s) I found a post from a member that directed others here and contained the link in their sig.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? medium/heavy


Greetings, I am likely going to be a new player once SE lets me buy my Digital download copy of the game, before that though I'm doing my homework on the community. How are they on Balmung and Gilgamesh?


I've seen threads from skimming the official forums regarding toxic elements in the game which seems to center around the duty finder which is cross server as I understand it?


Basically what I'm saying is I know I'm going to encounter A-holes in game, that's an unfortunate given in any mmo. I'm hoping that joining Balmung or Gilgamesh not only will I find a great RP community that's willing to teach, but also stem having to deal with the "L2Tank noob!" types.

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I understand what you mean, but don't worry! There are plenty linkshells offering what you seek, you're bound to find a great community of players when you get on. Especially on Balmung. 


All you need to do, is join...enter the nearest main city and look for some role players! If they're warm-hearted and welcoming you should be able to jump right into the world of Eorzea.

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There's been a fair amount of open area roleplay going on that I've seen. I know the group I'm with has been out and about daily at all kinds of hours, and we usually wander near at least one other group in the process. So there's plenty out there- and most RPers don't mind being prodded by other friendly RPers to join in! :D

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Thank you for your replies. I'll likely be starting my character on Balmung once digital sales open again. Which will hopefully be sooner rather than later as there doesn't seem to be physical copies of the game within 100 miles of me.

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I managed to pick up what I think was the one sole physical copy of the game to enter my area yesterday and got a brief start on Balmung (figures I'd manage to get the game right at the beginning of my work week). So I figured I'd better make the greetings official.


So Greetings Balmung server! I look forward to interacting with all of you and some great RP.


--Character ideas: Gharen Wolfsong, A young man bearing the physical scars of a harsh upbringing. Quiet, serious, Introverted, and Isolated by nature, Gharen often falls into dark moods and is prone to brooding. It is a rare individual that is able to break him from his bouts of melancholy, and while often morose and moody at times, he has a deep tenacity to complete his training in the arts of combat in order to defend those who may not be able to defend themselves.

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I managed to pick up what I think was the one sole physical copy of the game to enter my area yesterday ....

 Lucky! It's been hard to find in my area as well, and my BF managed to grab what seemed to be one of the last few around not too long ago. @_@


Hope to see you in game! Broody dudes are cool dudes.

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