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*Sticks head in from Balmung*

Anzu Sakata

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Ohai peoples! Not sure what to say here, as I've never been horribly good at introductions, so I s'pose I'll follow that helpful template somewhat!


I've played several MMOs in my life (Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft, EverQuest 2, Guild Wars 2, The Secret World, Champions Online and a little bit of Neverwinter). On most of them, I have done at least some RP. (And I continue to play Champions Online and The Secret World off and on, RPing on both).


As for my roleplay experience, I started back in 2005 on Neverwinter Nights. I've played both NWN1 and NWN2, RPing on both on several different servers, and moved on to MMOs from there. I also have some experience with forum and chat based RP, as well.


As for character ideas? I've got a lot, but right now I'm focusing on bringing back Nathalanee Reinhart, my Legacy character. More may come later on, though. She's primarily an archer from Gridania, although she'll be a bard fairly soon.


I don't remember how I learned about the Coalition, but I learned about it back in 2011 when I first started playing FFXIV v1. But for the life of me, I can't remember my bloody username or password I used back then. :dazed: Looks like the site's been upgraded a lot anyway!


And as for the kind of roleplayer I'm aiming to be, it's probably medium-heavy. Roleplay is my favourite pastime in MMOs and online RPGs in general, but I do quite enjoy just running around playing the game as well, so I can't say I'll be IC 100% of the time.


As for real life things, I'm a millwright apprentice from Alberta, Canada. I enjoy writing stories, listening to music, and playing video games (of course!). Roleplay is likely my biggest hobby though, as it's something that's kept me interested for years without any interest waning.


Either way, beyond that, it's really good to be back in Eorzea! :D

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Welcome back! I loooove bards. I'm eager to see all the different takes of them and I'm sort of compelled to roll a Keeper Bard if it's possible (stat-wise).


Although I would like to ask--


What'sa millwright? I could look it up but then I'd be missing out on your answer!


*naive in the ways of the world*

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Millwrights are kinda like heavy duty industrial mechanics...That's the best short description I could come up with. :P A better description can be found on Wikipedia, of course.


And yes, I've always liked bards! Mind you, I have a vast love for music IRL, so that's possibly why! I do plan on doing much more than just ARC/BRD, but that's a start at least for Rein.

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Millwrights are kinda like heavy duty industrial mechanics...That's the best short description I could come up with. :P A better description can be found on Wikipedia, of course.


And yes, I've always liked bards! Mind you, I have a vast love for music IRL, so that's possibly why! I do plan on doing much more than just ARC/BRD, but that's a start at least for Rein.


See... I thought a millwright might have something to do with bread somehow. =3=; Ugh, my brain never ceases to mislead me.


I'd like to see you RP when you get to Bard status and start barding it up! I enjoy music but I'm terrible with the terminology and writing poems and the like. From someone who -deeply- cares for the art, I would like to see how that love can translate.


And we'll be on Balmung if I ever am able to log on!

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