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I just played my first game as Sona and went 5/8/28. For about the first 3/4ths of the map I had only 1 dea5th but Twitch started to get twinked out. Good thing gor our team he was too stupid to solo our towers and we eventually won. She is probably the best support champion IMO. Nice DPS/Support hybrid.

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Swain is actually a fairly even Champ. He isn't OP he's in that just right zone. Right now however, people don't know how to counter him so they are going to say he is OP. In a way he plays very similar to Cho, this is because of his stun. Most people really suck at those kinds of skill shots, so it makes me happy when I play him. He has some good CC (His bird slow and immobilize) and he has a mini ignite, when coupled with ignite, it makes for some pain. But a lot of his damage is over time, so you have to be careful. His ult, his ult is beast. Literally.

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Wow, we have quite the LoL group here! =O I tried my hand at LoL for a long time, got up to level 29, but then realized I spent every penny of my IP on champions and that I had no runes. I lost almost every single battle I want to as a result D:


I used to play Ezreal and main him, as AD when AP was the popular thing to do with Ez. Now they nerfed EVERYTHING about him and I feel like it is simply too difficult to do any damage to anybody to be of use to your party. I rarely ever die as Ezreal, but that is because I know how to so tottally abuse Arcane Shift xD.


But yeah, i'm trying to find a replacement hero right now. I'm thinking it may be Tyrn, I just love all of that crit power he has. I want to build him in a way that requires a lot of runes, however - Almost all of them being crit chance [[NOT crit damage.]] But i'm not sure. I'm thinking of trying out Malzahar because I've never tried him before and he seems fun, but... yeah.


I so tottally need champion suggestions O_o because when I play Ezreal I always feel like something is missing :<

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Well, if you like AD characters a fun one is Pantheon. He can be a real beast. Kassadin can play a bit like Ez, if used right he can own some poor little people (Then again so can any champ. I once saw an AD Alistair. Dear Lord he owned. He ulted and got a quadra kill at a tower. 'Twas true beauty.) Malzahar can be a beast. He can be an annoying champ. But most of his attacks are singular targets. 1v1 he can be cruel. You might like Kog, Kog has some serious range and some serious damage, and when he dies he turns into one hell of a nuke, his drawback is that he is very squishy and kinda mana intensive. But you can play him AD or AP, with either I would reccomend getting an Archangels Staff or the Manamune Quickly. Either is well worth it for Kog. As for runes, I would reccomend finding out what kind of champ you want to play, read up a little on them and then buy some generic runes and Quints. Quints would probably be best if you got Hard health.


I usually play tanks or support, every now and then I'll pull out my nuke capabilities and pity some foos. But as a tank, my runes are really only useful early game. Once I hit mid game they don't do much for me anymore. So, if you are down and out on the IP you could play as a tank. And of course there is always IP farming. Every 24 hours you get 4 or 5(not sure which) practice games that gives you 71 IP each for winning. Usually only takes about 11 min per game if you are playing with 5 other champs vs bots, as 11min is the lowest time before you can get IP.


Hope this Helps some ^.^

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Yeah I tend to like AD characters the most, whenever I try AP I USUALLY fall flat on my face. I did OK building Vlad, but my playstyle does not fit very well for his abilities <.<. I've NEVER tried a flat out caster that wasn't Viegar [[Who I can't use his stun to save my life. Litterally.]] so Malzahar looks promising.


Pantheon is, in fact, one of the characters i'm wondering about maining, but I really want to try out Malzahar first. Darn Malzahar costing so much IP or money! I only got to play him as a free character briefly, so my experience with him is limited. I know tanking is usually not my favorite type of character, but being a carry or jungler doesn't seem to be my style. I like trying to do damage but I don't want to be quite in the spotlight. I just want to see people's health bars go down >.>


Tyrn is good for that, but he is so difficult to hit people with. His only CC is a slow that takes effect if they're facing away from you ;< but the damage reduction debuff that same CC has is amazing. At level 5, 100 damage reduction? That is totally crippling for ANY AD character o_o Especially one like Yi and Warwick and ... Another Tyrn, lol.


It is so difficult to get with a character, because once you buy it you never get all of that IP back T-T

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I absolutely love AD Kat.. A lot of people fail to realize that Bouncing Blade deals more damage than Shunpo, sure the damage reduction gained from Killing Instinct + Shunpo is nice, but with so many characters with either HP regen or Heals in each match now, the reduced healing from Killing Instinct + Bouncing Blade is a lot more valid.


Also her ult scales better with AD than AP.

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I've had a good deal of success with AD kat, that much is certain. She is also very skilled at mid laning, just spam BB on everybody and farm with it and not even Ashe can push or farm harder than you when you get Shunpo to further help with harassment and farming :D.


AP Kat USED to be just as valid as AD, once upon a time, but then they severely nerfed Shunpo's damage and then AD became the better choice. My problem with Kat is that whenever I go into a team fight they always focus me or stun or silence me. Did you know that Death Lotus can be canceled by stuns and silences? It really, really sucks <.<


I'm trying out Pantheon now and I must say, I love that spear. Its great for feeding off of noobs [[i speared this one yi who was playing around, running in circles, then I just used ghost and used one last spear and ignited him and ran away with first blood :D]]. More reliably, it is a great farming and harassment tool. Low mana, very low CD... its like Ezreal's mystic shot at level 5 but it always hits its mark ;D.

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Pantheon is a beast, and easy to master, also it seems that RIOT is contemplating on (finally) changing his ult in their next BIG patch.


Another good AD character would be Twisted Fate, he is severely underrated right now, but he is a huge asset if played right.. I prefer to go AP with him which transforms him into a super-burster a la Kassadin, but going DPS with an AD TF is easier both item and rune-wise.



On a side-note.. Swain is epic, damn I've been flamed for playing him by a lot of my opponents, even when they were winning.. "Swain is OP! Like all other new champs.. Just you wait till RIOT nerfs him next patch, then you'll QQ" bla bla bla.. He is perhaps one of the most balanced champs from his release.. Aside from Nasus who has only been tweaked 2 or 3 times since his reveals.

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Swain is without any means of escape through his normal skill set (unless you're good at placing Nevermove) so he's an obvious target, go HP/AP and add some AD for his normal attacks to deal even more damage on enemies afflicted with Torment.


I actually downed a Trynd by applying Torment to him halfway through his ult and then AA'ing him.

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Swain is without any means of escape through his normal skill set (unless you're good at placing Nevermove) so he's an obvious target, go HP/AP and add some AD for his normal attacks to deal even more damage on enemies afflicted with Torment.


I actually downed a Trynd by applying Torment to him halfway through his ult and then AA'ing him.



Can't 1v1 him though. Just doesn't work.

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The only way I would have bought her outright was if the extra skins looked way better than the original haha. Also just got the pentakill mordekaiser yesterday and was hesitant till I started playing him. Also helped a documentary of vikings was playing on the history channel. :3

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