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Talak Marcuz

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--MMORPG background

       I'm not going to lie, I have no experience RPing in an MMO setting but I have been an advid RPer for many years from things as simple as chat/text based rping to forum styled play. I've even done some table tops. I'd like to try the whole RPing while playing FFAR, the storyline seems nice and I think I'd enjoy the MMO much more if I felt more into character while playing.

--RP experience

    As I mentioned earlier, I've RP'd for several years. I originally started back on the Yahoo Chat Rooms over 12 years ago, and moved from there to forum styled RP. I've managed my own RP forum for 8 until sadly, life goes on and members had RL responsibilities and could no longer be active.

--Character ideas/info

'It's the tail isn't it? What can I say, ladies love the tail.'

     My main character right now is Talak Marcuz, a Miqo'te. I don't have a place of birth or anything thought of yet, but I do know I want him to be foreign to Eorzea. I've done a bit of personality on him though. Talak is the carefree type that is adventuring for profit and fun.He's willing to take on just about any quest if it involves enough gil, or treasure. He's the type that smiles in the face of danger considering a test of mettle and 'fun'. He doesn't take many things seriously and is more likely to crack a badly timed joke in the middle of a serious debate when he feels uncomfortable. 

--How did you learn about the coalition?

  Google led me to YouTube which led me to you.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

  Anywhere from medium to heavy

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? 

   I'm an open book, I have no secrets so if you want to know anything from me, just ask.

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Not quite sure how much you want to read.  Or what kind of characters you wish to make in the future.  However the best way personally to learn how to role-play is just to sit and watch some others create some dialog before you so you see how the characters interact with each other.


Now I see your not on any of our servers and I am not quite sure if your willing to come to us or not but before you make any big decisions there's plenty of literature that is def' worth looking at.


You can start with this.




Let me know what you think and if you have any plans to come role-play with us in Gilgamesh or with the Balmung group.

I would also be open to starting some roleplay right here on the forums if thats something you would want to try.  To see if its something your even remotely intersted in.

Also if your considering making a in-depth character.  This post has a great 100 Question layout for creating a "character sheet".



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