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Hello Balmung! Are you ready to ROCK?!


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I'm not good at these introduction things, so I'll just dive right in: Hello, my name is Bazil, and I... promised myself I wouldn't make an alcoholism joke. Phew, close one.



I've been around a bit, but have only just hammered down the sort of character I want to play. I don't know how it ended up being a Lalafell Bard that's like an extra from This is Spinal Tap, but here we are. I've been into role-playing in all forms for years, and just recently escaped the evil clutches of a local LARP (don't ask), so I'm looking forward to more light hearted action.



I apologize in advance for anything Bazil might do or say to your characters... Don't let that stop you from saying hello if you see him around, though. ;)

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Yup, his birthday is also a reference to IV, because I'm a big dork.


And Bazil is indeed a Lalafell. :thumbsup:


Nice to see fans of the classics. I'm a huge Led Head. A lot of Led Zeppelin, Jethro Tull, and Black Sabbath songs came into play when creating a vibe for my character. Most notably Battle of Evermore, Snowblind, Achilles Last Stand, Dun Ringill, stuff like that. So I can definitely appreciate a rock star character.

Love the Zep reference, too.


I don't think I've ever told you this before, but your taste in music never fails to impress me.

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I was raised on the classics, and I can never give them up, no matter how much crap my friends give me for it. None of them can dis Queen at least, cause everybody loves Queen.


As for the LARP story... It's a long and painful story, and I put up with a lot of crap for way too long because there aren't many gaming opportunities in my area. Let's just say all the horror stories you may have hear about LARP are not only true, it's worse than even that.


But hey, now I have the RPC! :D

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