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Uh... hello


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I'm kind of new to MMO RP. I only started trying it in GW2 about 6 months ago, I think. Maybe a little longer.


I'm completely new to Final Fantasy, however. I watched my brother play a couple of the games growing up and I saw a FF movie once, but that's about it.


I've been reading some things about the lore while creating characters, but I feel like I've only really scratched the surface. Mostly, I know the naming conventions and a bit of the community aspects of the races as well as some stuff about the Calamity and the Warriors of Light (the latter coming from simply playing the game).


I've made two characters, one on Balmung and one on Gilgamesh, but I'm currently still fleshing them out. On Balmung I have a female Sun Seeker Miqo'te named A'khenna Khai who cares about the well being of her tribe over almost anything else and has traveled to Ul'dah to learn how she can best protect them. On Gilgamesh, a male Duskwhite Elezen named Idristan Sorel who was raised by a Roegadyn fisherman and is decent with magic, but only after causing a few explosions and other such mishaps while learning. So far these two have just been gathering dust, though.


I don't really know how to find RP in game, let alone how to get the courage to join in, so I thought coming here might be a good place to start.


P.S. Most people call me keti.

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Joining in is like finding a small group of people taking about your favorite subject in real life, except with less judgmental stares and more welcoming gestures.  The RP community of any game I've found is much friendlier than the typical gamers, never hurts to just ask if you can start up with them.  Or if you emote things standing alone somewhere you might catch someones attention.


Either way, welcome to the next five years of your life!  Or part of the five years, hopefully.

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I have trouble joining into a conversation in real life too, honestly. The only reason I started trying MMO RP in GW2 was because my guild was very welcoming and encouraging about it. I'm hoping to find a similar atmosphere here.


Oh wow, five years sounds like a long time, but if it's fun and I have the time and money, why not? c:

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@Rihn: A cat gathering sounds like so much fun. :D Thank you for the welcome. I might take you up on that offer. c:


@Luka: Ah, thank you! ; u ; I'm always so excited when people think my characters sound neat. <3 Thank you for the welcome too.



I might take a little while to actually hop into roleplaying. I think I need more of a feel for my characters first. Figure out their mannerisms, decide if my Elezen is going to talk like the NPC's in Limsa, so on so forth. But if it's ever okay to sort of observe, I would really love to do that. I think it would help me feel more comfortable than just diving in head first.

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