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Remnants of Hope FC/LS


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[align=center]Remnants of Hope   [/align]


  • Our Gaming Community
    • ​Origin
    • Goals
    • Games We Play

    [*]​RMNTS: A FFXIV Free Company

    • ​Player vs. Environment
    • Crafting
    • Role-playing
    • Player vs. Player

    [*]​Additional Community Benefits

    [*]Apply to Remnants of Hope

    • ​Who We Want
    • Application
    • Recruitment Process


Our Gaming Community



The Remnants of Hope began as a community in 2009 as a Star Wars Galaxies guild.  Over the last four years, we've experienced many changes, but we remain true to a single purpose: creating a community and home for members. Even now, many of the original founders call Remnants of Hope home, and we continue to grow and prosper with the help of the many exceptional members we add to our ranks.



We are a community that prides itself on diversity and maturity.  People from all walks of life are welcome here.  We strive to be a place where our members can relax and truly enjoy the time they have.  It is our belief that "light from the few can be a beacon to many," and this has been a key aspect of our community's story and also something we constantly translate over into real life.  Our goal is to shine and reach out to those we meet and interact with, to empower our members and the gaming community as a whole, and to make a positive mark on the world around us.


Games We Play

Remnants of Hope is a fantastic place to call home, and currently focuses on playing three games in an official capacity: Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, and the newly-released Final Fantasy XIV: ARR. We also play many casual games, from League of Legends to Star Trek Online and more, and invite all our members to join in if they choose.  



RMNTS: A FFXIV Free Company


While we are newcomers to FFXIV: ARR, Remnants of Hope has always prided itself on exploring all aspects of the games we play, and offering a unique and diverse array of options in the different fields.  Be it varying types of role-play, PvE, crafting, or even PvP, we are always working to ensure you have opportunities to enjoy the game.  


Player vs. Environment

Our community takes on and excels at PvE content.  In our other games we have well-established groups who tackle new and challenging content and always make time to train new people and team leaders, as well.  In FFXIV, we are looking to honor that legacy and build a strong and diverse roster of people for everything from leveling parties to tackling end-game content as we enjoy the diverse PvE options available.

  • Casual Gamers:  You are free to explore the game and its content at your own speed.
  • Hardcore Gamers:  We will strive to keep you busy with with runs of content, with a focus on progression.


The crafting system in FFXIV is like no other, with a diverse and symbiotic relationship with the other disciples of the hand and land, and a true need to work together to accomplish goals.  To that end, we will help crafters find a home within the community, with other crafters to interact with and obtain necessary materials, as well as helping members develop and pursue their goals.  With the Materia system and impressive end-game craftables, you should always find yourself in demand within our community.

  • Weekly events to gather needed materials, as well as crafting time for people to come together and level.
  • Coordiantion with guild crafters to provide the necessary supplies for people to produce and progress within their professions.
  • An organized network of guild crafters so members can easily know who to approach with a crafting request.


Role-playing is a cornerstone of the Remnants of Hope community, and we give it a prominent a role in our gaming experience.  We have a unique story driven by both character and community, and we offer the ability to not only develop your characters, but yourself, as well!  We are also interested in reaching out to other communities to build a mutually-beneficial relationship as we form role-play networks to drive plot and make connections here on Balmung!

  • A community narrative driven by character story and the building of our Company's history together.
  • Planned future coordination with other Free Companies and role-players to both attend and host RP events.
  • All levels of role-play experience welcome!
  • Forum role-play opportunities, both within the FFXIV universe and beyond.

Player vs. Player

We are highly interested in the inclusion of PvP content in the future.  Our community prides itself on having fun and being successful in PvP while also maintaining a friendly and mature atmosphere with those we play against.  We have members who love to make guides and offer tips for various styles of PvP, and they are just waiting in the wings to take on the future PvP content within this game!

  • Dedicated PvP community ready to implement strategies and conquer the world!
  • Many theory crafters who thrive on looking at ways to maximize builds.
  • Seasoned PvP members who enjoy teaching new people the ropes.


Additional Community Benefits


Along with all of the above, Remnants of Hope offers members a wide array of community benefits:


  • Awards system for community recognition
  • Highly active website and forums
  • Teamspeak 3 server
  • Events calendar loaded with new events each week
  • Large community outreach
  • Weekly forum contests
  • Active RP community
  • Organized PvP and PvE
  • Family friendly community and environment
  • Dedicated leaders


Apply to Remnants of Hope


Who We Want

As a community we are new to this game and are very interested in welcoming new members to our guild home. We are recruiting all classes and levels, and people from all walks of life.  The only requirements we have are:

  • Maturity
  • Willingness to contribute to and be part of a community
  • Acceptance of those different from you



If you are interested in applying to Remnants of Hope, you can visit our forums and view this topic to sign up as a new member!  That link contains all of the application instructions and the application template for FFXIV. Please note: we take the process very seriously, as your application gives us a feel for who you are and whether you will be a good fit for our community and, importantly, whether our community will be a good fit for you. Please give detailed answers to each question so we can get to know you, and you can wow us with your personality!


Recruitment Process

Once we accept your application, you will move into a two-week trial phase for us get a feel for you and you to get a feel for our community. This includes a few objectives you will need to complete; first and foremost is to introduce yourself to our community and to let us really get to interact with you as well!  We pride ourselves on being very welcoming and friendly to all new applicants, and, whatever your interests, you will find a friend.  The trial process is a very thorough one, and can sometimes seem a bit daunting and intimidating, but by no means is it meant to be so.  Remnants of Hope is a strong community because of the quality and diversity of our members, and this application process is what ensures we maintain that at all times.


We are always available to answer questions and help our new members out with this process!  If you would like more information about who we are, what our goals are, and what we offer, I am always available to answer questions via a personal message.  Just send me a private message here and i will respond as soon as i can!  Also, look for Xha'li Nelhah or Ciceroix Gerson in game if you wish to chat about things!

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It's been a week and thought i'd introduce myself here!

My name is Dylan (or Will if you'd like), though lets be honest as an avid roleplayer i really do go by Xha'li more then anything else!


I am the Recruitment Officer for Remnants of Hopes FF: XIV: ARR division and truly excited to explore this game with everyone, especially with this amazing gaming community i have the luxury of being a part of.


For those wondering the division title is what we bestow upon a game in RMNTS that we are officially playing together, and have committed resources and people to make the experience the best it can be for all members.  We create departments for each aspect of the game and they are led by fellow community members, new and old.


I am also currently the acting RP department head and helped to create the amazing story we have, and really looking forward to sharing it with everyone here soon!


Check out our site if you are interested in applying, and as always feel free to ask any questions here or in a message to me!  I love answering questions, gives me another chance to talk!

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I really like the vibe you have going here. Best wishes!


Thanks, and to you too!


One last unsolicited piece of information for today!  We have recently hammered out a weekly schedule for various events and activities and thought I would share it with you all!


Social RP Sundays


Guildhest/Leve mondays 


Gathering Tuesday's 


Dungeon run Wednesday 


Craft Thursday


FATE Fridays


Company Story RP Saturdays



To give an example of what some typical events we shall be hosting will include i'll discuss what we'll be doing next tuesday for gathering tuesday.


All day gathering event:  This event is designed to help people level their gathering classes while also stocking the companies chest with crafting materials to be used on thursdays or requisitioned for certain things.  People RSVP for the day and are provided with a 'shopping' list of desired mats based on the current level of their gathering class


Fishing Contest:  This tuesday we will be hosting our first Company fishing contest that we'll be holding in Limsa.  Most of our members have been focused on leveling to explore endgame content and have the freedom to explore and RP throughout the world and have not spent much time fishing yet.  So I'll be hosting this event in Limsa and for one - two hours will host a contest to see who can catch the biggest fish.  We're starting off with a small entrance fee that is added to a pot that the winner will claim, and fully plan on expanding this event as our time in this game continues.


Also on the 5th we will be holding our first ever Company Story RP.  This is where we will truly begin to develop our communities story and create the connections and show of our amazing characters.


Also this coming sunday, the 29th we will be having a beach party at Costa Del Sol, and are working on a schedule and hope to open it up to the public as well!


This is just to show that we truly are committed to exploring all facets of this game, and providing fun and varying events on a weekly basis.


Will be posting our Guild's story on Thursday for everyone to see as well!

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Alright, i'm a bit late with this and i apologize, i'm transitioning to a new and better job and things have gotten really chaotic in the last few days.  


The Free Company Story:


Five years ago the world made sense, five years ago and everyone had a home and family to fight for.  Then Dalamad came crashing down and Bahamut was released.  The devastation he(hir) wrought on the land upset everything, and once the chaos settled all that was left in Bahamut's wake was ruin.  


Five years have passed, and even now the land is still recovering.  Yet there exists a community, out in the wilds of the world that is defying all the odds.  It was founded two years after the calamity by a group of settlers looking to rebuild.  For some it was a chance to get away from civilization, from the memories of what had been and were now no more.  For others it was a challenge, a way to prove the races could persevere and reclaiming land that had been lost.  There were even a few who sought to make a safe haven for refugees and travelers, a place to rest and relax, maybe even drink their sorrows away.  Regardless of the reasons slowly but surely a community began to form out in the wilderness, and though their stories were all different, each regarded this new place as home.


As time passed several challenges arose, the monsters and denizens of Eorzea wanted to reclaim this location.  Time and time again the people stood their ground and fought them off, but never without a cost.  There was talk about moving, about starting over somewhere else.  Some however opposed this, and instead insisted on understanding why this was happening.  They called upon the experts in the field, the disciples of war and magic, and a few answered there call.  It was only then that they discovered how truly unique their little community was, and how fortunate they had been to hold on all this while.


The mages claimed the Aether in the air and surroundings was odd and unusual, and began a search of the land.  It was a short distance off from the settlement that they found a relic of the 7th umbral era, a shard of Dalamad, Bahamuts cell.  It was merely a remnant, a fading piece of the fallen moon, but even now it still held some power.  The mages warned the people to leave, that it would continue to draw trouble their way.  One man stepped forward to ask what would happen if they simply left as they suggested, to which the mages told him the land would rise up and reclaim this place.


A meeting was held shortly after, and most people agreed, it was time to leave and start over again.  A few though dissented, and insisted on staying.  This was their home, and they would not let the 7th Umbral Era take yet another thing from them.  The mages and warriors tried to persuade them, but they had dug their heels in.  They fought for a while over this, and a scuffle broke out.  Those few remaining would not give in however, and went back to their homes for the night.


The morning brought an eerie silence to the land for those that had remained.  Rather then the usual hustle and bustle there was only silence now.  They grimly gathered to discuss what they would do in the town square, and began preparing for whatever came next.  They were few though, and were all tired and broken.  Yet they would not surrender, would not give up their homes a second time.


One night a group of monsters descended upon the town, and it's inhabitants rallied to meet them.  They held them off for as long as they could, finally retreating to their town hall and fortifying themselves from within.  Then just as things seemed to be their worst a strange sound was heard from outside.  The building slowly started to fill with smoke and they feared the building was being set on fire with them inside.  They gathered together at the door and decided to make their last stand and burst outside with weapons held high, only to be greeted by a most unexpected sight.  It was not the building that had been on fire, but the monsters themselves, all lying dead on the ground.  The warriors and mages from before came forth to greet them, and their leader stepped forward with the most mischievous of smiles.


She told them that they were halfway home before they knew they had to return, that it was bad form to be shown up by civilians and settlers.  She knelt down before them and swore and oath to them there.  That if they would have them they would stand with them as long as they lived.  That together they would forge a home in these lands, and that they would make it a beacon of hope to all that remained.


What is the Remnants of Hope? :

We were those disciples of War and of Magic who turned back and fought for a community that was not our own.  Now things have changed, now we belong.  The world is still as uncaring as before, still waiting and watching for it's chance to drag this down into the void.  Yet we remain, a few ragtag settlers and a band of fighters with more bravery then brains.  Now we are united in one goal: To survive in this harsh world, and forge a future for ourselves.  


We come from all walks of life, from soldier to farmer, and everything possible in-between.  Our guardians walk our land, some protecting the lost and the weak, while others seek out and eliminate all who could threaten our people.  Our merchants and craftsman toil to provide goods for the town, and slowly but surely seek to blow new life into it.  We even have mages and scholars who study the aether, seeking to unravel the secrets of the shard, each working towards their own goal.


Whatever the reason for your being here, here is where you've come to belong.  You've thrown your lot in with these people, and it's up to you to find your own place.  One thing is true no matter whoever you are.  This town shall change you and shape your fate, and so to shall you shape it.


Who are the Remnants of Hope? :

Primarily we are the group of adventurers who answered the towns call.  We are the protectors and caretakers for this oasis of peace in the harsh and uncaring world of Eorzea.  However being adventurer is only the beginning.


You are who you choose to be!  Here in the Remnants of Hope you may choose to do and pursue whatever it is that pleases you.  Are you a scholar in pursuit of old and forgotten knowledge, coming here seeking to unravel the mystery of the shard?  Are you a mercenary who just likes to unwind and relax by fishing in the afternoon. 


Whatever it is you desire to do (Within community rules) you may do so!  Forge friendships and rivalries with other citizens, and be always prepared to put aside your differences to take up arms to protect your homes.

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We are really excited for this upcoming weekend, and thought I'd share the news.


We'll be starting the first chapter of our FC this coming Saturday, and it's promising to be a fun one.


Also this Sunday as was mentioned we are hosting a Beach party.  It's an open event and should be some good fun.  Working on a few game ideas personally right now!


If you have any questions about it, the FC story posted above, or just about our FC and community in general just let me know!

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I figured I'd share some information about or RP style we shall use during our FC story events on saturdays!


Story Telling RP:


What is it?

  • Story Teller RP is a narrative driven style of roleplay.  For those who've played pen and paper games like dungeons and dragons the concept is very very similar.  One or more people act as the narrators of the story, highlighting the scenery and introducing characters and enemies to the script as time goes along.  However the direction the story takes and the way it ends is all decided by the players themselves. 


  • Now one thing that can be a bit off-putting about this style is the fear that the narrators hold all the power.  Now while it's true they control the npc's of the story the reality is that players truly hold all the power in this story.  You choose what to do and where you want to go.  Now if things get out of hand the leaders will reign it in and let you know something can't be done, but will mostly always respect the choice of the players.


Why use it?:

  • Now what truly makes this style enjoyable and fun is the added factor of chance.  Whenever a major action like attacking an enemy or attempting something heroic you must always roll a dice to determine the outcome of the action.  The biggest reason i am a HUGE fan of this system is that it all but eliminates god-moding and always keeps things interesting.  It is very possible for an action, or even the story itself, to end in failure based on the rolls of the dice, and the inverse is true as well!  This always makes for interesting character development because you get to decide what action you take, and then react to the outcome of the action whatever it is!

How will it work?:

  • In other games they typically have a dice system where you can be in a group and everyone can see the rolls.  Alas for some reason there is no dice system in the game and will be a bit before mods will be workable.  So things are going to be done a bit different here

  • Each player will write how they wish to perform the action.  An example being:  Xha'li rushes over to his fallen friend.  He holds him for a moment, feeling him drift away and howls in anger and calls upon nature to help heal the man.  
  • The narrator in charge of that action will roll a dice(either a real life D20 or a virtual one) to determine the outcome.
  • For players a roll of 7 is necessary to accomplish a task.  However simply rolling a 7 won't produce an amazing result.  In the above example all the would happen is Xha'li would have stabilized friend, but not have brought him back from the brink, just having bought him time.  The higher the roll the more successful the outcome.  A 1 is an epic failure and results in the opposite of the desired outcome.
  • For Enemies a roll of 10 is necessary when taking an action against a player.  Same rules as with a player applies, with higher number meaning more effective action.  it's far easier for their actions to fail to a varying degree against the players.
  • The narrator will the start the post with (# rolled) and describe the outcome of the action.  Now them describing it is not meant to be intrusive or controlling, rather it's to help keep the flow going and to help people understand what the different numbers mean on the outcome.
  • Now as people get more and more accustomed to the system, and we get more narrators to moderate I truly wish to have people writing their own reactions.


The cycle continues, with reactions from players and NPC's continuing until conflict/situation is resolved one way or the other.




  • This style is a ton of fun but is REALLY time intensive.  Take this test run for example.  It was at the most 4 people talking and acting but all told lasted almost 4 hours long.  That was only with 1 narrator and a small group.  It takes a lot of time to go invest in each event, but it truly is worth it if RP is your thing!



  • Now while action is truly fun and something i always look forward to in these RP's there is one thing to bear in mind, this style is very dialogue heavy.  Characters will act out their feeling, actions, and thoughts in chat, and often it will be a endless stream of posts to read and sort.  As our group size grows we'll be establishing parties and raid chat settings for people to speak in for organizational purposes for that reason!


  • Nevertheless your screen will always be full of dialogue to read and react to.  It truly is like being part of a developing story, and sometimes it's easy to get lost in the chat.


I think that sums it up well, at least for the framework of it.  Keep in mind this is but one style our FC uses, and it will vary based on the type of event!

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After having a fun 4 hour introduction event for our members i'm pleased to announce that this saturday we are starting the first story arc for our FC: From Whence We Came

Truly looking forward to it!


Also for those interested in PvE our Department head Kia Mara just started a Linkshell this week called Dungeon Runnerz for people to form groups for PvE content.  It's been very active as of late, with over 80 members on at a time usually.  Excited to see what he plans for our FC and the community through the linkshell!

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In addition to in-game events, we also regularly host special events, which includes guild members from all games (GW2, SWTOR, and FFXIV)!  



Right now, this includes:



Guildies are called upon to wield their artistic powers to submit their best work that fits the theme of one or more of the following: Haunting, Time, Loyalty!  This event is still running until the 24th!



Pick your best in-game apparel to build the funniest/scariest/prettiest costume!  This event is also running until the 24th, so there's plenty of time to get your spook on!

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Yes, as Dahkeus said we offer a lot of options for all members, including our social events.  Our internet pictionary is the think of legends.  I mean really, you get a clue and have to use a MS paint application to draw it in a few seconds.


Also congratulations to R'mango and Athrun, our two newest members who have just completed their trial!

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The above post about the Halloween and Art contest highlight something i truly wish to talk about as it's honestly one of the things i truly enjoy the most about the Remnants of Hope.


The community itself.


All members play at least one of the games, with several playing 2 or all 3 of them, as well as a few casual games on the side together.  Yet we all share the same Team Speak 3 server and belong to the same forums.  The reason being no matter what you play or your style of play is we are all one big happy (dysfunctional clear.png ) family.


We discuss our favorite games, books, manga, music, and... well you see where this is going.  We also have an amazing community set up with a well structured body and an enduring legacy.


Also we have this, our Weekly caption the Picture Contest.  I figure i'll share in the fun with you all and show what we are working on and the winner of the contest!  We have a weekly riddle i'll try to do this with too!



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The winner of this weeks caption contest was: "Why'd this lady give us pumpkins! I told her we need mushrooms or we'll be tiny like this forever!"


Also we are in the midst of a PvE Marathon weekend.  Our PvE Department leader created a contest for people to level and for each level gained you get 1k gil.  Each milestone level you hit; 10,20,30,40,50, you gain 1 x X k gill.  X being the first number in the milestone.  There were also rewards for joining FC fate groups, dungeon runs and other social things!  Looking forward to seeing more like this in the future!


Also congratulations to our 7 new trial members who've taken their first steps towards becoming full members of our community!

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I am a UK player on Balmung, would this hamper my application to join your FC in any way? I am a fairly casual player with my highest class only at Lv28 so far but I have been on the look out for a mature, relaxed and friendly guild that caters for both RP and PvE.

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I am a UK player on Balmung, would this hamper my application to join your FC in any way? 


Absolutely not!  We have a number of community members from all of our games that call different parts of the world home.  One of our newer members in the FC is from Australia.  


Due to time difference there might not be as many on during you're peak gameplay, but our website and online community always has someone on and things to talk about!

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Hi, I noticed the fellow UK player ask about being from the UK hampering your application.


I'm a current Trial Member of Remnants of Hope and I'm in Scotland. True, the time difference is a bit of a pain but the members couldn't be any more supportive, especially Kia Mara who I've been in contact with since I applied. I've been given suggestions on how to feel more comfortable with the time difference and even though you may post on the forums when no one is awake, someone always gets back to you.


If you're a European player looking for a community of players to RP, PvE or PvP with, I highly recommend these guys. I just hope I get through my Trial without a hitch. :tonberry:


The Toneberry holds no relevance, I just like Toneberrys.

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The Toneberry holds no relevance, I just like Toneberrys.

Huh, and here i thought you might have figured out that this is how i dressed for your final interviews :P


Alright it's Saint's Wake time and the decorations are out!


We'll be holding a photo session and some holiday festivities later on this next week!


Also i mentioned it before but our Halloween Contest is in full swing!  While we get our costumes ready for next week i thought i'd share this image from one of our other games!




Pretty scary if you ask me!

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Our community will be holding a small event this coming thursday and thought i'd share the details of it with others who might be interested at all in community life RP.  


Our FC story is based around the struggles of a town plagued by aether imbalances still present 5 years after the calamity.  We held our introduction event to our first story arc, From Whence we Came, and are gearing up this Saturday to get things fully underway.


Yet this thursday it's about the simple things and not the struggle to survive.  

Our members will be exploring how their characters would contribute to the day to day tasks a town needs to do to survive.  From farming to mining, patrolling and crafting and anything in between.  It will be starting at 8pm EST, though those die hard RP'rs are welcome to participate all day if they like.


Our FC home is in the Lower La Noscea Region, with our town centered around Moraby Dry docks and farming community in Red Rooster.  


As always let me know if there are any questions!

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Story night!


One goal we have with these FC stories to type them up and novelize them to some extent.  This will help others who join later on to know what is going on with the FC story, and who's come and gone in that time.


Will be posting at least part of the first one here later on!

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