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G'day Hydaelyn RP.


Well, uh, I'm bad at introductions, so... About me. I live in Australia, land of deadly wildlife, bloody awful internet and inconvenient timezones. I've been an avid mmo roleplayer for a good six years now, having RPed in World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World briefly.


I came to Final Fantasy XIV in search of something new asthe roleplaying community on my Guild Wars 2 server had become incredibly insular and hostile, leaving it a seriously unpleasant place to be - not to mention the game itself becoming rather stale (Just hit max level? I sure hope you like grinding!).


From what I've seen so far in FFXIV, the roleplayers on Gilgamesh (And other servers too, I'm sure) are quite friendly and outgoing - I even had a chap drop in on a pal and I while we were RPing out in the world - I had almost forgotten random world rp was a thing. 'Twas a great start, and looking forward to potentially seeing some of you ingame.

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