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Hello Eorzea =P


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I'm very excited about ARR - I didn't play the original, but the tenacity and dedication that Yoshi P & team showed in redesigning XIV amazed me - and when they kicked the nostalgia factor up to 11 with Magitek, Moogles, and Helms of Light... I got hooked xD


I participated in several of the closed betas as a Mi'qote, J'ira Tia, and met some really nice people, so I will be creating at least my first character on Balmung. However,  I'm not opposed to rolling one on Gilgamesh as well.



I've RP'd in several MMOs: SWTOR, Tera, and Guild Wars 2 for the most part. Currently I also play EVE:Online, which is great fun, though not so conducive to RP... tough to get involved with another character's story while constantly wondering if it's all an elaborate trap xD


I have a few character ideas that I wouldn't mind batting around, so I'll throw most of that in a post in the RP threads tomorrow... but one of my favorite FF characters has always been Celes Chere - so maybe we'll find an Imperial expat who discovers talents she didn't know she had until her friends shove her onto a stage with a few hastily written cue cards... or "He", I'm always open minded!


As for me, I'm 27, M, formerly an architect and soon to be who-knows-what. I love traveling the world, in-games and out, along with just about anything in the design field.


See you soon!

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