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FC HQ Listing


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I've been digging but can't seem to find a comprehensive listing of where every FC has claimed their headquarters. I feel like it would be very helpful for FC's that are just reaching the proper size for an HQ but are not sure what areas are claimed or free yet. Does anyone know if one exists? Or if perhaps we could make one and have it be sticky'd so new FC's can easily locate a spot for an HQ?

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Not to be a cold, unpleasant rain here, but what do you mean by "claimed?" There's no way to claim land in XIV -- even the FC housing will likely be instanced, though we don't know for sure yet. Beyond that, I expect most players feel that a group can't simply lay claim to an area of the game world, most especially since there's no OOC way to enforce such a thing.

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Well not in the sense of "It's mine now get out", more just, "Hey there is where our guild meets and this is, ICly, the headquarters and staging area of our FC." Maybe this isn't a thing in FFXIV but I know in WoW and GW2 RP guilds would claim bits of the map as their guild's headquarters (not large chunks, mind you; for instance my WoW guild's HQ is Westguard Keep, in Northrend. Not all of Westguard, just the keep) and it was, based on the honor system mostly, frowned upon for other guilds to "move in" so to speak and utilize that space while the other guild is trying to utilize it themselves.

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There was a thread that discussed land claiming. The opinions varied from "let PvP sort it out" to "this is a drama bomb, don't do it." My read of the temperature of that thread was that most players would prefer a "first come, first served per RP session, with OOC negotiation at the time if needed" policy, because it avoids all the problems that can come when a group says, "this is our turf" (not the least of which is that most RPers don't come to this site by sheer statistics, so there's an entirely real chance that, with no ill intent, someone might "claim" the same area). If you're doing first come, first served, you can at best have known gathering places, but no real asserted HQs. I think someone proposed a "known hangouts" thread recently.


So, between that and the impending FC housing system, I think that's why you don't see a thread about HQ claiming.


EDIT: And there it is: Siobhain's known hangouts thread. :)

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