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Hello Balmung


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My first MMO was FFXI and I played Aion for a short while, I haven’t played many MMOs. I prefer single-player games. Shin Megami Tensei is my favorite RPG series and I love anything with a good storyline.


I was introduced to RP through forums, but I always remember writing, whether it was short stories or random feelings and thoughts I’d be having. I definitely see RP as an outlet and I tend to be really long-winded and descriptive, but I’m trying to tone it down and just enjoy myself. lol


For a character, I had a lot of trouble trying to find out what sort I wanted to play. I actually spent two days making and deleting characters, choosing different races and classes. I knew I wanted to play something melee orientated later on and I ended up choosing a Male Miqo’te which was not really my original intention.  

I knew about the naming conventions beforehand, but I chose a very Human-like name and figured a way for it to work with consideration to the lore. I wanted him to be well-travelled and somewhat hostile towards his own race due to their strict traditions. He wonders how many have true convictions in their culture or if they just follow through because that’s what’s “expected” of them.


 I consider myself a light/medium RPer when it comes to MMOs. I enjoy some serious RP with my characters, but I don’t like it when it gets too heavy. I actually have no problem playing the minor character most of the time. Romance is the only subject I don’t have much interest for.

I like challenging myself by RPing characters that are different from me, however I try to put in a little something I can relate to in either their personality or story. Maybe a fear or character flaw?


In real life:


 I’m a 21 year old female, I live with my girlfriend in Florida. She goes to college while I work. I love all sorts of music, anything trippy like Shpongle or Tool. I know I come off as really standoffish, but that’s probably because I’m shy. My sense of humor can be god-awful and offensive, I am learning to bite my tongue. Dear god be patient if say something unintentionally rude.



Also damn, this was really long. This is why I said I have a problem.

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