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The Lantern (Disbanded)


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Linkshell has been disbanded due to inactivity.




There was a faint glow of light that lit up a section of the darkened ally way. One of many that filled the slums and back ways of Ul'Dah, the supposed city of Riches and Prosperity. Though this was the case for few, for others it was a hide-away for the dark and demented. A man stood in corner of the light, only the bottom portion of his robes visible through the light. Donning on his own dark robes, Raih'zi approached him slowly with his hands on a bound grimore at his side."Do you have what I requested?" Raih'zi said in a solid, serious tone. The other male didn't make any motions, speaking instead of moving further into the light. "You ask too much, I cannot pay the amount you request…" Raih'zis' eyes narrow upon the figure, ears folding back underneath his hood. Without hesitation Raih'zi reached for his grimore and opened it, and with a simple motion of his finger on the pages, fire erupted from behind him brightening the entire alleyway. Out of the burst, a small primal beast snarled; flames radiating off of him. Slowly it moved around from behind Raih and stood in front of him as if awaiting orders.


"I'll ask again, do you have what I requested?" His tone was unmoving, unchanged from before still the cool and collected serious tone that he spoke just moments ago. Though through his actions it was obvious he was very irritated. The other figure stood there in slight horror but stayed in the darkness. "G-Give me one more day... I-I-I'll have the gil then... please..." The man pleaded, begging. With a small grin the Summoner closed his grimoire and placed it back at his side; the small beast fading away into the aether. "You are lucky I am generous.. Nekada would not let you have a second chance. However, if you fail to cooperate this time... Your punishment will be far worse than what she would do..." With that being said he turned and walked out of the dark alleyway, knowing no one would question what happened and that everyone would know to listen to him.


Quick Highlights


Respect, Equality, Maturity.


We're a medium-RP group.


We support both RP and ERP.


Small, but tight-knit, Our focus is high quality RP.


IC and OOC Linkshells available


Teamspeak Server available.


We are recruiting! All characters and alignments are welcome!

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Of course! We like to think of ourselves as flexible and open to all character types. While criminal types will likely be the most popular due to our running theme, it is not one we solely want to focus on to the point of exclusionary. 


I envision ourselves as being able to host events from banquets to secret fighting tournaments. (still working out details!) What I can say is that for the basic catering needs of course we will need the "server" types and "chef's" and likely just general entertainment types as well. Every wedding (well most anyways!) has some form of a reception party that includes live entertainment.  


First and foremost we want to be open to ideas that are within the lore boundaries. As long as there is no current lore that would contradict an idea or the idea is outside of the realm of "plausible" we believe players should be allowed free reign with their characters.

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As I've gotten some whispers about our theme and the types we're recruiting I'll post it here just to clarify. I know I get long winded at times so I'll try to keep this short. 



We are recruiting: EVERYONE.


Yes, Everyone. Every character type, every theme. Our premise for our RP cannot exist in the shadows without the good natured characters covering by serving food and drink for the ones butchering people in the basement. (Not really *shifty eyes* ) 


If you've got an idea for a character and are just looking for a great home with even better people Give us a try. Toss in an application or speak to myself or Raih'zi Molkoh for more information. :moogle:

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  • 2 months later...

Hello I am interested in joining, but the only problem is my main character is on the server Goblin.  I love RP but have not been doing it for awhile and decided to get back into it but there are no rp LS on my server that I could find so I'm planning on making a new character.  I'm experienced in this game and have done most end game content but like I have said I have not RPed in awhile so I'm rusty.  I hope that's ok.

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Thank you for having interest in our guild! Though currently both I and our Guild Mistress have been rather busy with RL and myself with trying to get back into school. We've both been crazy busy with both work, school and with the holidays so we probably wont be seen online much.


With this said feel free to apply at our website if you haven't already done so and we will get to the applications as soon as possible.


-Sorrow, Recruitment Officer of The Lantern

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello World! Just a quick update that we are back more fully now than we have been with the holidays behind us. Recruitment is open fully to all characters in whatever stage of their life they may be in. If you're interested drop us a line in game or on our website : thelantern.enjin.com . 


Happy new year everyone! 



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  • 2 weeks later...

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