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The Golden Sands


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[align=center]~The Golden Sands~




[align=center]-About Us-[/align]


[align=left]What is "The Golden Sands"? "The Golden Sands" aim to be a gathering point of like minded adventurers and craftsmen / craftswomen united to help the people of Eorzea. Our endeavors need not be limited to epic world saving proportions, nor are they the small "find my lost chocobo" - but they range in all shapes and sizes. 


We handle requests from Eorzeans like you and anyone else who would ask for our aide. That is not to say that we will not have jobs provided in house, or that some other group may ask for something special, but the adventurers are our lifeblood.





The goals of "The Golden Sands"  are fairly simple - we are out to have fun, and provide valuable help to those that request it. That's not to say that we will not do anything on our own, but that we're aiming to make the community better, and enrich everyone's experiences during the time they spend online. 


We will be willing to help with the events of others as well as organizing our own events in the future. All the while maintaining our own ongoing plots, and activities. I also wish to have as close of ties with any other Free Company who shares a compatible set of ideals, and would like some cross Free Company interaction.



So if you're interested in getting more involved in the RP community, or simply looking for an Role Playing Free Company to settle down in, and have a good time with - "The Golden Sands" welcomes you with open arms, and open minds!  From humble crafter to adventurous primal slaying heroes, there's a place for you.


To join, either inquire here, or contact Mikh Tayuun in game for a small chat and membership![/align]






Ascendant: The Ascendant handles the day to day operations of the Free Company, overseeing and managing all aspects - although any major decisions will generally be voted upon by the Acolytes and Higher.


Oath-Sworn: The Oath-Sworn are the tried and true members of the Golden Sands, they are those who endeavor to further all aspects of advancement for the Free Company.


Master of Coin: The Master of Coin Handles all things related to the flow of currency in and out of the Free Company, and is responsible for handling the Gil within the company chest. Only a truly trustworthy individual will be considered for this position.


Master of Goods: The Master of Goods handles the flow of goods in and out of the Free Company, indirectly putting them in charge of the Craftsmen and Craftswomen of the Free Company.


Acolyte: The Acolyte, is an Initiate whom has undertaken work for the Free Company and/or it's clients.


Initiate: The Initiates are the untested, the fresh faces; those eager to prove themselves.




Free Company chat itself will remain OOC, upon joining the Free Company you will also receive an invite to join the IC linkshell for The Golden Sands. Also, joining the linkshell is open for anyone, not just FC members - the shell is strictly IC, and is primarily supposed to be used as a way for characters to remain in contact and ask for immediate aid.


~News & Events~


The Golden Sands is looking to create a weekly day in which the HQ, The Golden Hall, is open for business. Since the acquisition of our home, we finally finished setting up it's interior, which means that we can now begin opening it up for others to enjoy and act as an adventuring hub for other players. But before we can truly begin to have this opened, we need a few things first, we need a Bartender of some sort to run the small bar, even if it is only stocked with Mikh's personal stock, we still need someone to run it. We will also be needing a few more guards that can be around for the duration of the weekly event.


As to what the actual event will entail, will be a gathering spot for adventurers, somewhat like a tavern night, but Mikh will also be there to help adventurer's find work, and also give out any jobs that have come to her attention.


Which brings us to the other point, we need people that need someone IC for the events, and what have you to contact Mikh Tayuun via mail, or through a personal whisper about what positions you need filled and when such an event is taking place. So that she can guide people to your job.

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As a preface to this, I figured I'd make a second post that was more OOC than the actual Linkshell post; This post will discuss my plans for the Free Company / Linkshell.



One of the core activities I have planned for the Free Company / Linkshell , is a job board managed by myself for the members. These can be random requests given IC by players, either to me via the linkpearl, or via mail to my character Mikh. These will be distributed to the members of the Free Company to accomplish and complete. rewards would be nice, but in the event you cant/don't want to provide one, I will likely provide one myself.


In the absence of requests, I will generate some internally for the Free Company to do, as well as manage the ongoing plot through requests. Any cross FC / Linkshell requests/actions you all are willing to provide would be amazing.



The Golden Sands now are the proud owners of a small house in The Goblet, Ward 3, Lot 24. We are now based out of there, and would like if people were to stop by on our operating times!


When enough people have joined during a period, there will be in IC ceremony in which you are formally welcomed into "The Golden Sands" as well as ICly being granted the ability to use your Link-pearl freely [distribution happens at the time of joining, however]



I will update this with more information as well as editing the main post.

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Happy to find a Linkshell and Free Company that is easy and relaxing to be in and also helpful to someone that is new to RP while in a game or at all for that matter im enjoying it very much and cant wait to see how it grows and progresses 


P.S Cactaurs :cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar::cactuar:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Been a long while! We're still here, and still looking for more RPers!




This is the view from the sitting area in our new FC house in the goblet, so this also serves as an announcement in and of itself, we own our house now! So feel free to stop by, and if you're looking for RP - Shoot me a message in game!

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  • 1 month later...

Well since we had our last open house night we had a few ideas to make our FC house a bit more accommodating.


We will be opening up similar nights randomly throughout the weeks for a little fun. Stay tuned! An now for the good part... Pictures featuring Mikh!















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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there! A young and budding adventurer here looking to set roots somewhere. I am new to MMORP but I hope that you will have me ^_^  I have a 50 in another server but I wanted to get into RP on here, so I made a character here on Gilgamesh. I plan to look you up but also feel free to contact me. (Aurora Yarohtar) I hope to see you soon ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Golden Sands for the fun fishing last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite being pulled away for duties periodically.


Now that there are no fish left to buy Zach may have to buckle down and bring his own rod to the fishing spot near his house and actually, you know, catch something.


Cheers Gold!

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Thanks to Ce'nedra from Royal and the couple of people that came from Arc last night! I know it was kind of spur of the moment and all but I hope everyone had a good time. Collem had no luck, Mikh beat a pugil with her fishing rod, and Enja had problems with the fish flapping around.


Seemed like everyone had a good time. Thanks again for everyone showing up!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...



Howdy :) I am brand spanking new to ffxiv and am actually trying to find a rp home before I buy the game as I am on a trial bit right now. The game looks purrty and I really want to get into it.


That being said I was curious as to how many standing/active members you have.


My character concept I want to go with is a Roegayd archer. Kind of a dark personality but good to have around type thingy :)


please do poke me soon as I look forward to muchoes rp with you lot.

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Sorry for the late reply, there's about 4-5 of us, that are active. We RP pretty sporadically, but we're looking to get some Arc's started and we have some pretty good interaction with other FC's. We're a small bunch, and generally speaking anyone will fit in with us as long as they're not outright evil.


I can also help you get involved in the rp community as a whole and point you in the proper direction for everything. Feel free to contact me in game.


Somehow I overlooked the fact that I had alert messages despite being on here daily...fantastic. -facepalm-

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Uh, hello! I'm interested in joining ^^ I would be completely new to rping on the game but I've forum rp'd before and I miss it. Hence staying up till realllyyy late to get onto the server ;p 

My characters name is Neneka Neka and I'm generally on a lot haha



I just flopped all over Mikh for you. :D Looking forward to RPing with you.

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Uh, hello! I'm interested in joining ^^ I would be completely new to rping on the game but I've forum rp'd before and I miss it. Hence staying up till realllyyy late to get onto the server ;p 

My characters name is Neneka Neka and I'm generally on a lot haha

Hello! I'll more than gladly add you in game, I had laid down for a little nap so that's why Zach was so much faster than me at replying. I'll contact you in game, or you can contact me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Well it was about that time again for a "little" house redesign. So good thing Mikh and Enja were getting Eternal Bonded. Let the gifts to each other flow... I mean for our FC Building!




Welcome to the Golden Hall... v2 (totally not calling it that)



















And a Downstairs we go
















Had to totally sneak in for the best shots now at the end! 


Now that it's all fixed up and badass looking come on and stop by. We are aiming to have a house warming party soonish here. Gotta see how the holidays drag everyone away and all first before we pick a date. "Please look forward to it."

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Afternoon! Pardon me asking, but are you guys still recruiting as of now? I'm just starting off in FFXIV, and well, Balmung was full. So I thought, to the hell with Balmung, I'll give Gilgamesh a try! That being said, I'd really enjoy being involved in your FC.

My IGN is J'atoh A'enaril.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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