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The Golden Sands


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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if this is bumping an old thread (and therefore not allowed), but are you guys still recruiting? I'm totally new to MMO Role-playing and just joined Gilgamesh not too long ago, and I would love if I could join your guys' little band of people!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really interested in joining. Looking for a friendly "in" to the RP community. I have a decent amount of experience in RPing from WoW and ESO, but I've yet to RP in FFXIV yet. My character's name is "False Flag" (subject to change when I settle on a more RP friendly name I like, if that's ok!). Look forward to hearing from you and thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've recently come back from a long hiatus from ffxiv and I'm interested in your group.  I mostly am on late night during the week days though.  Is this FC open to people who aren't super experienced rp wise?  I've done some but I guess I feel like I have a lot to learn still.

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