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Lore Resources


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Does anyone know of any hidden lore treasure troves? The sites I've been using for lore so far:


Is there anything else out there? I often find myself wanting to look into the advanced jobs' lore (e.g. Black Mage, White Mage etc) but since I haven't gone through those quests yet and the info out there is vague/incomplete, there doesn't seem to be anything reliable.

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Hiya Lament,


I use all the links you posted as well as




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(The links on the top bar of the first link.)


I like Gamer Escape for most of the articles on older things, but i've run into some out of date or speculation information. XIVwiki is fairly heavily moderated but still very much a work in progress. its connection with the XIVDB however makes me think it will be a little more measured and formulaic in its data presentation and maintenance.


I'm a bit anal though so I often cross reference and have our own Wiki open at the same time making sure everything matches, and if not to at least learn about the other view points.

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