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Shippuu's Supreme Art Dumpage of Excellencey


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Thanks everyone! Lalafell/taru can totally be badass, I'm here to prove that xD


As for the Slaughterhouse dogs? Eh, He's a fighter, and does what he has to. But he's not really evil, I don't think he'd fit in with those bloodthirsty folk to be honest XP

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Is that arm unique to Shawnzy? Like--it's his arm? :o


Yes, it's unique to my character. I've been procrastinating finishing my RP profile for my character Shippuu. But yes, he'll have a self constructed prototype prosthetic arm that's powered by a small aetheryte shard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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