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Looking for RP FC/LS


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So here's the thing, my boyfriend and I rolled new characters on Behemoth and joined what was supposed to be an RP FC. Well it ended up that wasn't so true. So I decided to go back to my 1.0 character that I transferred to Balmung and recreate her and her storyline. My boyfriend is going to create a new character on Balmung when he gets home.


I didn't get very far with my 1.0 character because I stopped playing once it became no longer free to play. I'm also not the "rush rush" type so I took my time a bit.


My boyfriend and I are not veteran role players and I have mostly RP'd D&D. We are looking for a FC and/or LS that is friendly to new players that would be willing to help us learn and grow as RP'ers. Blue Sky looked really good but they are closed right now.


I feel a little intimidated about starting to roleplay but I have heard that the community is welcoming to new players.


I love making new friends and helping people and would love to be a part of the roleplaying community. Any offers to join a FC and/or Linkshell would be appreciated. Also any tips for new people wanting to get involved with roleplay?


One more question: How do you put your character name, linkshell, etc. on your avatar?

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The Grindstone FC is on Balmung. We're primarily dedicated to combat RPers and teaching new RPers to combat-- if you're familiar with D&D it's far simpler than that. Of course, we also accept healers in our LS.


The Free Company version is more for RP and developing storylines. The people with me so far, though few, are remarkably kind and helpful. If your characters can help either with diplomacy, healing, crafting, financing, or fighting, we'd welcome you to come hang out with us. ^.^

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