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Looking for Jobs


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Trying to expand my list of RPers around Balmung so thought I'd post here!


Some Basic Info: Azaili Resorel is a (now ex) Maelstrom officer turned merc after climbing up the ladder and finding out the life of an officer isn't really much to his liking (paperwork and such). He is generally quiet and "proper" in his dealings with people but does have a few quirky intricacies about him (one being about fish). Anywho I'll leave the rest to any RP I engage in :D


Locations: Although he doesn't officially work for the Maelstrom, he still enjoys some benefits (such as housing) with them as long as he does SOME work for them. Therefore, you'll probably notice him walking around Limsa or sitting in the Drowning Wench. He also hunts occasionally in the forests of Gridania, so it's also possibly you could run into him there.


Will work: Aside from any general RP you might be interested in, Az will take jobs from you (RP or otherwise). This is pretty much open for anything you think of, comical, serious, dark, just, etc...so don't hesitate to throw stuff at me!


Contact: If you want to get in touch with me you can PM me ingame, here on Hydaelyn, mail ingame or Azaili Res on Enjin.


If you WOULD LIKE more indepth information on my character, I have posted in the Balmung directory.

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