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Seeking RP Partners


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Hello! I've been on both servers fairly often and I've settled to just make :love: Balmung :love: my home after gauging both communities. With that being said, I think I have a somewhat unique character and I'm looking for others to RP with, even if it's just one person to RP with on a regular basis. 


Feel free to send me a message in game :D


Here is a small synopsis of my character, D'ren Tia.

As payment for a debt in Ul'dah, D'ren became guinea pig to the alchemist :geek: who developed this potion...




In doing so, D'ren was changed from a Sun Seeker to a Moon Keeper.He was also changed into a she and now struggles with her/his own identity crisis and vulnerability. Still struggling with confidence within herself and now without a tribe, she seeks out acceptance in others regardless if they are villains or upstanding citizens of Eorzea.


D'ren is truly a product of her society. With her shattered image, she has become gullible, submissive, and yet somewhat unpredictable in nature. In a positive environment, she too could learn a positive outlook on life, but in a negative environment, she can be molded do nefarious deeds.

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