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An Offer for New Combat Characters (and more~)


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Hello there! I started a combat Link Shell that has turned out magnificently; love the people we got and the people who show up to our events. They are all spectacular RPers. So, gushing aside, there was one thing that troubled me with only having an open LS for my character-- fighting only gets you so far.


 ICly, Siobhain and many of the Overseers in the Grindstone have moved forward, accumulating their funds to begin a Free Company also named the Grindstone under which the LS is now sanctioned to train however they would like. Paid that 15 k gil, put in that petition (and we handled as much of this ICly as we could, considering the NPCs are... well... NPCS.)


 The Free Company exists for homeless, wayward fighters, aspiring warriors, and those in general need of freedom and sanctuary. We will continue offering training ICly to our members and we even offer services to other FCs and LSs (a link for details can be found at the bottom of my signature.)


 I know we have new people coming in every day to Balmung and I feel pretty confident from the feedback I've received thus far that these trusted, patient, awesome RPers we have in the LS and the FC will be able to give you some help in developing a combat oriented or interested character. SO:


For those of you who are having troubling coming up with your character's history and are looking for a pleasant FC to be in (or even our LS), I will be MORE than happy to help you with your background story with the basis upon which our FC is built.


- If you have a character in need of short to long term sanctuary, we can offer you a home and/or a contract in order to get you started, protecting your character from any bandits, thugs, or organized groups from their history until they choose to leave in exchange for loyalty, contribution, payment, or work.


- If your character is an indentured servant, slave, or otherwise restricted fighter (such as a pit-fighter or a forced sellsword) the Grindstone would be able to take your character in as well, for as long as necessary and hopefully permanently.


- If your character is a refugee or otherwise impoverished but has a passion for fighting and a desire to improve their lives, we can offer housing, training, food, and eventually jobs.


If you intend to choose any of these backgrounds or might be interested in going this route when you begin and you're interested in joining an FC, I'd be happy to help you write up and develop your background ICly and OOCly. I don't intend to start an epidemic of people who start out as slaves and turn into legends, but I do want to help any and every new RPer as much as possible. There are plenty of other great FCs out there, but if getting into the nitty gritty of combat and honor is -your- character's thing, I totally got you.


I love this idea mostly because I would have liked to do it myself. Starting out with nothing and building yourself up -in- roleplay with other RPers is always a spectacular feeling for me. If there's anyone who would like to see if we can offer you that experience, this is for you.


 I'm also open to suggestions on what changes those outside or inside the LS/FC might like to see in order to improve the goals, story, and experience. Please keep critiques you might have tactful; I'd do it for you 'cus I like joo so much.

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