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Time to stop lurking.

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Hey everyone! After a week or so spent lurking in silence on this forum, I figured it was time to introduce myself.


My character's name is Velvet Patches, and I will probably end up using the same name for the purposes of this forum so that it is less confusing, and for those interested, her wiki is right here. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Velvet_Patches


A little bit about myself. I'm still pretty new to roleplaying, and even more new to MMORPG roleplaying, but my experiences include forum RP, Pathfinder, World of Warcraft, SWTOR (however short that experience was), and Dark Heresy, cumulating about two years experience under my belt.


If you see me running around in Balmung, don't hesitate to walk up and RP or chat as I am usually in character even while questing. I look forward to meeting you folks in the future!

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