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A very late 'Hello'. (Balmung)


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Hello all,


Having finally gotten around to making an RPC profile for Bryn, I figured it was about time I actually (re)introduced myself on here, instead of lurking like a creepy creeper.


In FFXIV v. 1.0 I played the Miqo'te Jakih Ishtari, a member of the Order of the Stormguard linkshell. I didn't stick around, however, and came back in the beta for ARR. I now play the Highlander Brynhilde Wulf. 


Before all of this however, I was Bexb of the Light's Templar RP linkshell (now returned in FFXIV as the Travelling Templar on Balmung) over on the Phoenix server of FFXI. I also briefly played on Leviathan with the Lost Boys RP LS.


It's been a pleasure RPing with those of you I've met so far. I'm usually in-character and always up for either RPing or discussing RP, so if you see me about on Balmung please don't hesitate to say hi! I'm in the UK, so I'm about during EU peak time, and NA daytime.


Happy adventures,


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