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Greetings everyone! I've been lurking around here for a bit but figured I'd introduce myself :-)


I just recently picked up FFXIV. My husband has been playing since 1.0 and is on a legacy server that was converted into the Japanese group (I guess) with the relaunch. He might be switching over here, but he's definitely -not- an RPer! I came across this website when I was trying to figure out what was the unofficial RP server for FF14. I've rolled on Balmung since it seems to offer a nice mix of legacy + new folks.


I've played most of the major MMOs out there - played FF11 with my husband for awhile (when we were just GF/BF!), WoW tons, Rift, LOTRO, etc. I've RP a bunch in WoW and some in Rift/LOTRO. I'm not a big storyline generator, but I love to participate in others' plots. Most of my RP interest is character-focused and my characters tend towards the ordinary (with a twist). 


I've been playing with one character - hyur female named Lucie Malvent - on Balmung so far. I'm getting the vibe that she's more of a bookish type, shy, but ready to learn some more confidence. Still fleshing out her story; I like to get to know the character in the process of leveling them :-)


I look forward to RPing with everyone!

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