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At Your Service

Dat Oni

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So Cuideag linked me to this wonderful little forum you have here. And I must say, I'm impressed. I was initially worried the FFXIV Roleplaying community would be small at best, but I am pleased to see that I am completely and utterly wrong.


So, let's get straight to the point. Just who am I? Let's answer in the form of a FAQ, just for convenience.



Who Are You?

I'm not willing to give up more than the fact that I'm some Canadian guy who roleplays on the internet. If you want my name, you're gonna have to really make an effort to get to know me. Sorry!


What's Your Roleplay Experience?

I am what one might call a Pathological Roleplayer. I play 3rd and 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons. I roleplay over Steam chat and have joined multiple Steam Groups dedicated to such activity. On Warcraft III I was a frequent player of DOBRP and its successor, SoTDRP, and I am currently an "initiate", so to speak, of Cortex Roleplay on Starcraft II and a master of general roleplay maps on Starcraft Brood War. And, finally, I was always IC on two Touhou Livestream chats.


What Kind of RP Do You Like?

I enjoy casual roleplay.


What About Hardcore RP?




Ahem. I do not believe in the idea of "Hardcore" Roleplay. Just the idea of people who take it more seriously/put more effort into it than others.


If that's what you're referring to, then yes, I suppose I am Hardcore. Otherwise, I have no idea what would make typing on a keyboard "Hardcore". Unless Diabolos smashed your skull against the keys while black industrial metal played in the background.


What About Erotic RP?

Not on ARR, that's for sure. I don't know why. And I'm not wasting oxygen thinking up an excuse. Kisses, hugs, maybe a little making out. But baby-making? Uh-uh. No thank you. 


Any Vendettas We Should Know About?

Just against Kefka/Sephiroth fans. The constant arguments between these two groups are just one of many a reason why I can't enjoy the FF fandom. 


If you bring these arguments to any conversation I'm participating in:


Are we clear? Good. :tonberry:


Where Can I Learn About Your Character?

I'm working on a draft right now for the 100 Questions thread. I'll update this thread when I make the post.



That should about cover it. I look forward to being here, and hopefully meeting some of you in-game.

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