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Hand of Fate


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[align=center]"Control your own destiny or someone else will." - Poporo the Prophet[/align]



A heavy RP-PVE Free Company that stresses good roleplay and a small, close community of friends to roleplay and experience the game with.


Brief History:

Founded five years ago, days before the calamity, the group was the brainchild of a wise Lalafell warlock by the name of Poporo. Poporo sought out individuals who like him were willing to go as far as was needed to defend the realm after the disastrous results of the Garlean Campaign and the relative inefficiency of Eorzea's defense. Perhaps as a result of the apparent silence of the Twelve, Poporo decided that our fate was ours to decide, and that our over reliance on others would be our downfall. Through careful observation Poporo searched Eorzea for others who, like him, would shoulder the burden of the tough decisions that would preserve the realm. It has been five years since then, and the group has grown into a shadowy organization with spies, informants, and assassins across every corner of Eorzea, all with a single goal: to protect the realm and those who dwell in it, at any cost.



Self-Reliance: The Battle of Cartenau will always serve as a reminder that we may pray to others, but only the hands of those brave enough to risk everything will decide our fates.

Secrecy: There are ears and eyes throughout our realm, like the treasonous worm who devours the apple from within, we must needs shield ourselves from their unholy vigilance. Worse yet, there are others, who share our goals but would denounce our methods as no better than the evil we fight. They are deluded, and we will take cover under our shroud of secrecy lest they get in our way.

Ends justify the means: Murder, subterfuge, bribery, extortion, and intimidation. If through these methods we can move even an ilm closer to a stronger Eorzea, then we shall not hesitate in exploiting it.

Be the Actor of your Destiny: Our lives are fleeting, and much too much time we spend sulking and wishing things had gone a different manner. Stand up, fists raised high, and stake your claim. Make your world what you wish it to be.



1. Maturity is stressed, drama and jackassery have no place in this FC.

2. No Mary-Sue's, Godmoding, Metagaming, and/or characters from other worlds or games.

3. Adhesion to known lore is a must. Names/backstories must not contradict any known lore, or have a very good reason for doing so.


That is all. We're a friendly bunch and looking for others to roleplay with and become part of our great little group of friends. If you're interested at all in this concept or would like more information whisper U'narhi Zhiku or Jullienaux Sintierre in game or send me a PM!

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  • 7 months later...

A warm hello to those who might be reading!


The Hand has decided to open up recruitment once more and with that I  have decided to update this post.


We do not have numbers at the moment, but we do have quality! So if this concept appeals to you then don't hesitate to shoot Jullienaux Sintierre, U'narhi Zhiku, or Narcisseoix Valliere a message in game.


Our storyline as an FC has advanced and gone through quite a few ups and downs both IC'ly and OOC'ly but we're still rockin' on to our own beat. We're more of a casual FC but with summer just around the bend we're on almost all the time. We also enjoy endgame content when not RP'ing and are recruiting for an all RP'ers Static for the Second Coil of Bahamut.


We are friendly and we definitely enjoy helping others so if the concept appeals to you and your character then bring him along!

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings everyone!  

I just wanted to post a short little note to let everyone know we are still recruiting!  In the past month we've gotten an influx of new blood, and the cogs are turning again!  We're currently working on a few plot lines and we would love to get more people involved. 


If the concept of this FC appeals to you please don't hesitate to contact one us here, on our forums (http://thehands.enjin.com), or send a tell to Jullienaux Sintierre, U'narhi Zhiku/Nonoko Noko, or Narcisseoix Valliere in-game!

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  • 9 months later...

Hello everyone!  It's been quite some time since we've updated this post, and so I wanted to let everyone know what's up with the Hand of Fate! 


We are still very much alive, and moving forward with several storylines.  One of which is sort of changing the way the FC will be structured moving forward.  Recruitment is still open, and we have actually had a recent influx of members.  In light of this we are going to be reworking this page (as well as our enjin) to give some insight into those changes.  


While on the topic of recruitment I also wanted to put it out there that we are putting a moratorium on miqo'te.  This isn't because we have anything against all the lovely cat boys, and cat girls!  This recent influx has seen quite a few come into the FC, and we want to keep it as racially diverse as possible.  That being said if you're super excited about our concept, and want to join please message me anyway.  I'm not averse to bending a little here and there.  


At any rate I hope you're all having fun, and looking forward to Heavensward!  As always if you have any questions, or would like to join feel free to contact me, or Jullienaux Sintierre here, on enjin, or in-game.  (If you want to send a message on enjin at the very least CC me.)

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  • 2 months later...



This seems like a FC that would interest me, though I got a few questions to know if it would make sense for my character to get into this!


I am most interested, mind you, just really need to know more! Would love to talk to someone ingame about it if possible!


Thank you for your attention!

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