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FF Noob, RP Vet saying hi and help! XD


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This is my first Final Fantasy game, but I have RPed since Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption (got big on RP during Star Wars Galaxies).


I have been roaming around the game for a day now, FINALLY got on Balmung... Took awhile. I haven't seen much, if any RP yet which sort of surprised me. Is the RP community still pretty big? Do the hotspots for RP fluctuate?



If you have any advice for someone new to FF, especially this game, please do share. Is there a big lore wiki I should read? As I understand it every FF game is its own "thing", story, setting, everything. Makes it hard to pinpoint lore and what exactly is going on, it kinda seems.


I look forward to RPing with you all! I am now off to search for a heavy RP guild. xD

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I suppose it all comes down to expectations? I came from a game in which almost no Open world RP existed outside of taverns. Here, I find it quite a bit! Almost daily! Not everyone rps though. Balmung is not an official RP server (Square Enix decided not to designate one) so there are plenty of non-rpers and pvers on the server.


I would suggest perusing the Linkshell page, maybe join Intermission (an OOC linkshell designated for finding RP.


You can join up to 8 linkshells, which are like RP chat channels, but only one FC (Free Company), which are what guilds are called in this game. Give it time, poke around a little bit, and you'll find the RP cuz I assure you it is there! Hope this helps!

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Those links are VERY helpful, thank you.


I am quite impressed with the entire experience of Final Fantasy ARR. It is a really great and well made game, I am pretty sure I will be subscribing and RPing here for quite a long time. I have already met a few really nice RPers in game on Balmung.

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