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My name is Taetim


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Hello everyone! My name is Taetim. I have a Lv.42 Dragoon that I want to transfer from another server to either Balmung or Gilgamesh. The problem is, I am not sure which one to choose. I did not have the original FFXIV game, so what are the main differences between Gilgamesh and Balmung? I am basically shooting for whichever server has the best RP population.

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Hello everyone! My name is Taetim. I have a Lv.42 Dragoon that I want to transfer from another server to either Balmung or Gilgamesh. The problem is, I am not sure which one to choose. I did not have the original FFXIV game, so what are the main differences between Gilgamesh and Balmung? I am basically shooting for whichever server has the best RP population.


That is entirely up to you. What I suggest is looking through the linkshell forums and finding the FC or LS that would work best for you. At the end of the day its more about who you think you are going to rp with and who you want to be around. There really is no "best" server.

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Hello Taetim,


A bit of a loaded question "Best RP Population" I would use the standard PR of "there isn't a better one, they're just different."


The response I usually go with? If you're a progression oriented person who focuses on a clean slate and wants to be "on an even level" with everyone, I would recommend Gilgamesh (Although that argument becomes less and less valid as time goes on.) Otherwise I would role Balmung, which has the advantage of some more established communities as well as new ones. (Such as the Coffer and Coffin event happening on the 19th for the second time.)


To be honest, I haven't noticed much of a difference outside of the auction house and i've been able to reach cap on both servers. I'll say that Balmung appears in major areas more practiced in their ignoring of griefers, mostly by using party chat or casually IC relocating. Gilgamesh of course presents the same fortitude, many may be new to FFXIV, they are often experienced in MMORP outside FFXIV none the less.


Admittedly I would add that the Reddit community on Gilgamesh seems to make the trolls a bit more stalwart, though the endgame more active.


Ah well, Hope I didn't make too much of a mess of it. Please feel free to ask any follow up questions or for clarification, Either way best of luck and I hope to see you in Eorzea.

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