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I am new to the game, or well, I have the game since it opened up, and I played a little in the beta.  I finally made the move to Balmung from Faerie by starting a new character, though I have not had time to play as much till recently.



I am a veteran role player that has played games like Star War Galaxies and others. I still play some in The Secret World and SWTOR, where I do role play.  Having always been fond of Final Fantasy, as I played in the last one, I thought to try this again, and I know some folks from SWTOR that started on Balmung, so here I am.  I have started a gladiator named Xune Aleanrahel, which I am enjoying so far.


I hope to meet people and find some role play in game too.  Cheers!

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Welcome to the RPC,


Please take some time to poke about the forums, the Linkshell listings, the wiki and get a feel for everything.


Ask some questions, raise some concerns! indulge in some general shenaniganry.


Hope to see you in Eorzea, feel free to drop a line if you need anything.

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