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Chroniclers: A Creative Writing RP Project


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Hello ladies and gents of RPC!


Henceforth I am going to describe and outline the project that is what prompted me to begin RPing in FFXIV:ARR in the first place and I wanted to gather the community's opinions, feedback, and assistance on the matter.


Currently, as it stands right now, there are close to 100 very talented individuals in the community with very creative minds, an aptitude for writing, and an eye for detail. So my thought is to tap into that talent by introducing a Chronicler Project (name pending).


The News!

Any project worth its salt has an organized way of reporting news! I've added this section as of 10/23/2013 to do just that! I'll probably include attendance as well as other announcements in a little list here for quick reading.


  • Weekly Discussions/Open Forum/RP-Planning: I will be online via Skype and a myriad of other messangers for a group discussion on the project. This will be Weekly, Wednesday between 6:00pm PST and 10:00pm PST. Feel free to drop a line! My Skype name is lynn.performance and you should also be able to reach me with a tell in game most of the time during this period!
  • Project Stage 1 is Complete! Crystallum Libraria is a Free Company that will be mainly responsible for the project. Each RP plot storyline being recorded for the project will be under a linkshell in which the plot shall advance.
  • We had our first open RP to get a feel for each others RP styles. I got thrown into a fountain for being too drunk! That being, said it was fun so thanks all who participated. A chat log and some formal text will be uploaded shortly.



For now, the plans are thus:


Planned Project Stages

  1. To create a linkshell consisting of those interested in the project. This is an OOC linkshell that collates and assesses stories of RP that happen in game from the various players and members of RPC. COMPLETE!!
  2. Assemble Teams of Editors and Contributors to assemble these stories and dialogues into a formal writing format. I.E. Chapters, Paragraphs, Titles, Descriptive Sentances etc. Something you would find in a book.
  3. These stories assembled above would be like a vignette or a short story. They will be categorized, sorted, edited for all to view here on the forums.
  4. The End Goal: To have enough content to self publish a small book that can be printed on a book by book basis. Only printed when someone wants a copy.


What differentiates this project proposal compared to the Journal Section on this site is the end goal. I would like to slap this text into a word doc, following typical English language art rules and narrative structure and eventually be able to print it on a page, so that someone can sit down for a few hours and read about a good story in their favorite world. Another distinction from what you normally read about here is that the stories END. Not with death, but think of a story arc or similar. I admit, the work is probably a bit redundant from what already goes on here, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone already has something similar going, but let me know.


Obviously, this is a lofty project and a week worth of RP can turn out to be a months worth of work and editing, but the important thing about ambition is to not just talk about it but to start working! To that end, I have done the following:


  • I have an old character from 1.0 on Durandal that will be transfering over to Balmung. His name is Aidan Levine and is a Hyur. He is a very low level (highest class is 19) however he will server as my Chronicler. The guy who observes RP, but in a lore friendly way. He will be like Erik the Historian.
  • Once the transfer is complete, he will "chronicle" the events of my main character, Balthazar Lupo, but beginning with his backstory. Of course, since they are both my characters, Aidan cannot be present during actual RP but it will serve as the basis for my third person writing.
  • I have about 4 pages of backstory complete. Its a work in progress but I intend on having about 10 pages done by the end of next week and ready for someone to edit.


General Guidelines

  • If you are providing feedback, critique, or general comments, please put a tag on the top of your post [FEEDBACK] or something obvious. I'm going to try to prioritize those.
  • If you for some reason you DO NOT think this is a good idea or an appropriate RP related discussion please PM me first or leave your opinion with a tag of [FEEDBACK] in your post. I'd be glad to receive any criticism if the community does not believe this to be a worthwhile or redundant project.
  • Sharing Protocol: Currently, being the only person in the project, I keep the written works in my Evernote account and Dropbox as a word doc. This will change if people join the project and as the project expands. You are welcome to share the text freely, however in order to ensure that the text is formatted for print properly and edited without tampering, the main copy will only be shared with contributors. We wouldn't want a spelling mistake in the real thing! That would be embarassing!
    NOTE: You are also free to have members of the forum inspect writing and such here or on a seperate thread, but please be sure to credit them for whatever they helped with (I.E. Thanks [forum member] for helping with fact checking!) I'll make a special thanks section for that when it happens.
  • (This list will expand as I think/experience/am recommended of more things to add)


I'd like to help! What do I do??

If you'd like to help, here is a section where you can find that info! I am looking for any and all help. After all, this project is the product of FFXIV, an MMORPG, so by default must be a group effort!


Steps to Help

  1. Step 1: Introduce yourself here! Mention you'd like to help out!
  2. Step 2: Fill in this template and either PM me or post it here with [i'D LIKE TO HELP] somewhere at the top of the post.

    Preferred Name: (For proper credits!)
    Main RP Character: (Who you primarily play as)
    Alternate "Chronicler": (If applicable. The character you created to serve as the narrator to your story.)
    Writing Experience: (Just in general is fine. I won't discriminate on this, just so I have an idea of your ability. Heck you'll probably be better than me!)
    Story Proposal: (Which story you would like to contribute to! It can be a new story or an existing one. Example: I'd like to write about the RP I am in! Example 2: I'd like to help with Balthazar's story!, etc etc. Please include who your narrator will be and who the Narrative Lead will be.)
  3. Step 3: Choose a capacity to help in. (NOTE: There are many options and I am always open to more! This is so we split up the work well, and things will shift around.)
    • Writer - The primary writer responsible for complete sentances.
    • Editor - Someone who reads works by writers and corrects grammar, spelling, and semantics. Can also fact check.
    • Lore Master - Often an expert in FFXIV lore, they make sure that the stories mesh with...well...the lore!
    • Other - Have another idea on how to help? Just let me know!

    [*]Step 4: Contact the RP, LS, Writer, Editor or whomever else you are working with to start helping!



    Also to help clarify things, here are some arbitrary terms that have no academic meaning that I am using just to differentiate characters and storylines so no one gets confused.


    List Of Terms

    (please let me know if you think anything should be changed)

    • Narrative Lead: The Character the Chronicler or Narrator follows around in RP. The story is often told from his/her/its perspective.
    • Chronicler Character: The Narrator. Can be random voice in the sky or an actual person living in Eorzea, depends on the story.
    • Mary Sue: Do I need to explain this? Should be avoided at all costs since it destroys the integrity of a written narrative. Its one thing to god mode in RP, quite another to read a short story about a god.


    Of course, all other RP terms commonly in use apply here to. (I.E. IC, OOC, etc.)


    For now, this is all the information I have clearly thought out, but I will add more as is appropriate. The following post will outline the current project status, contributors and other important social info.

    Project Progress


    In this post, I will include and update any project progress and notes and other notable information. The titles should be fairly self explanatory but please let me know if there is any questions or suggestions for this section of the post!


    Current Participants

    All names listed are the FORUM user names. This may change later. For now, I am in all three categories since I am doing the work alone, but I will probably step down from one or more of these positions if more people join the project.



    • Lupo
    • Swygrael



    • Lupo


    Lore Masters

    • Lupo



    • No one yet!



    Chronicler Linkshell


    N/A. Not yet established until necessary.


    Current Vignettes and Shortstories

    • Miquo'te Uncertainty (Balthazar Lupo's Backstory) You can visit the story here!
    • A Bow For Beggars (Balthazar Lupo's FFXIV 1.0 Backstory)
    • Bard's without Song (FFXIV 2.0 Story involving Balthazar Lupo)


    EDIT: Typo correction. Added formal process to expressing interest in helping.

    EDIT: Added News Section.

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This sounds interesting, I'd love to try and contribute


Thanks! I'm going to try to keep this going without losing too much steam and if you'd like to help contribute that would be great! If you can send a brief PM or reply with this thread with [i'd Like to Help!] at the top or something with the following information.


Preferred Name: (For proper credits!)

Main RP Character: (Who you primarily play as)

Alternate "Chronicler": (If applicable. The character you created to serve as the narrator to your story.)

Writing Experience: (Just in general is fine. I won't discriminate on this, just so I have an idea of your ability. Heck you'll probably be better than me!)

Story Proposal: (Which story you would like to contribute to! It can be a new story or an existing one. Example: I'd like to write about the RP I am in! Example 2: I'd like to help with Balthazar's story!, etc etc. Please include who your narrator will be and who the Narrative Lead will be.)


With that being said, for all others, I am editing the OP to include a formal application template just to keep things organized but know that I am accepting ANY and ALL help from respectful, mature players. :-)

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This sounds awesome.


I'm definitely willing to get involved in it. I've got several years of writing experience under my belt (and a few published short stories to boot!) as well as professional editorial experience. Feel free to drop me a PM if you need an extra hand, etc.


Sounds like a plan! You should see a PM from me soon-ish. I'm gonna let the thread soak for a bit, but if you'd like to read what I have already written to get a feel for what I am trying to do, I would certainly encourage it!

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I've added the title of the RP project for 2.0 I am currently working on! I'll have details and such for a interest thread up later today. Suffice to say, I am looking for open RPers and those to help with events, ideas, and administrations!

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Okay time to move this along! In the original post above, you will find an outline for an FC and Linkshell plan as well as some more details on how I plan on going about this. As I've said hundreds of times before, the hardest thing about this is keeping it going, so here is my commitment, even if I gotta do this all by myself! RAWR!

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I just added a new section. Basically setting a weekly online time for anyone to meet with me if they want to talk and chat or even RP! I'll be online tonight if anyone wants to talk about the project and help determine the direction of the project etc.


Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm PST

Skype: lynn.performance

Character: Balthazar Lupo


See you all online!

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A link is posted to the FC and LS info (listed under the FC post) in the News Section for those would like to join up! Feel free to also shoot a skype message over at lynn.performance OR send me a tell/moogle mail online at Balthazar Lupo.



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