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A Most Auspicious Greeting!

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(Take 2, because my tab closed out before I could post this.)


Greetings and good day, citizens of the Coalition! Today is my third day in Eorzea, and thus far it's been great! But an MMO without friends is an MMO that is empty, and so I searched out this place to see what's what.


Quick Summary:


MMO Experience - WoW, Guild Wars 2, Aion, City of Heroes/Villains


RP Experience: WoW RP, Guild Wars RP, freeform a long time ago, tons of tabletop RPGs (Mostly d20). I've been RPing for around a decade, all told.


Character ideas: Thus far, all I have is A'tarr (Miqo'te Lancer), my namesake for the forum. He's undeveloped beyond "serious cat is serious" thus far, and is subject to change over time.


I'm looking for a medium/heavy RP style, and enjoy PvE, but PvP is not my cup of tea. If you guys have questions or comments, please feel free to ask, I welcome them.



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