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Howdy all!


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Name's Paul (Collem Brody in-game), stumbled upon your community by doing a Google search, and I'm excited to become a part of it!


I haven't played an MMO in ages, but since this game came out for the PS3 I've been having a lot of fun with it! I've RPed in other games before (most notable LotRO, where I started my own guild). More recently I've participated in forum roleplays and the like.


I've got an idea for my character, Collem Brody, sort of a villainous mercenary type. I'm working on fleshing him out so he's not just some cliche of villainy. I dig being a tank (gladiator, I have a conjurer/white mage over on Malboro), so I'm excited to explore content as well as roleplay (I would consider myself a light/medium roleplayer).


On a personal note, I go to college, work, do stand up, and try to keep up with friends and the like (although I'm a bit of a shut-in), so I keep plenty busy. Still, I look forward to seeing y'all in game and getting to know people in this community. Yeehaw!

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