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Hi there!

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Nice to meet you all!


I'm a long time roleplayer (various pen-n-paper RPGs for decades, a few MUDs, Eve Online, LOTRO, Everquest II, Star Trek Online), but I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games before. A few of the folks in my Traveller RPG group play, and they pulled me into this. I'm playing on Siren with them, though I'm interested in the FF RP community, as well. My friends aren't big into MMO roleplaying (which I think is largely because they haven't been properly exposed to it, you know?), so they're not terribly open to transferring to a RP server, so my RP experience will probably be kinda curtailed from that, though I'm thinking about playing the same character on both Balmung and Siren so that I can get my RP fix in.


Anyways, I play C'kiyah Tia, happy-go-lucky Miqo'te about town. He's new enough that I haven't really developed too much in the way of background or personality for him, but that'll come as I get more knowledgable about the lore. So far his main twist is that, despite being a Seeker of the Sun, he follows Menphina the lover. I'm sure I can come up with a good reason for that. There's gotta be a black sheep in the family, right?


Anyways, pleasure to meet you all, and I look forward to RPing with you, either on Siren or Balmung.

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No Welcome message from some one yet?! AHSDJKASHD-




and welcome to the RPC,


While I don't hob-knob with many cat-folk feel free to stop by and drop me a message if you're on tonight. I try to keep an eye out for active spots if you need any recommendations. I hope you've had the chance to poke around the forums and read the linkshell directory to look for a group that might fit your style.


As a note, also check out the Calendar if you don't have any plans for the approaching weekend. I'll be attending the Coffer & Coffin event myself, but there are some 4 groups over the two days (the cruise, C&C, a TTG and a TTGcrafting iirc.)


Feel free to ask any questions if you have then, and Hope to see you in Eorzea.

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