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A friend of mine linked this site to me a week ago and I'm still reading everything. ALL the things which are readable, I'm reading them! Which is cool because I enjoy a good story. It's like being let loose in a candy store.


I'm an old hand at RP. I'm very new to this game and the setting. I'm okay with dark and mature RP, but I tend to love me some heroic stuff. I can't help it, I'm old, okay? Mid-40s, if anyone cares. My gamer cred is good but it and $3.75 gets me a latte at Starbucks so I'll skip it for now if that's cool.


I'm looking for an FC on Gilgamesh, would someone kindly make suggestions?


In my real life I'm a member of the Rebel Legion where I do appearances in film-ready costume and do some stage fighting for charity. I like scotch and coffee, and I'm told that I'm one of those people who, in person, is exactly as they are online. Jury's still out as to if that's awesome or not but I hope so, cuz while I love to wear lots of masks, I prefer them all to be obvious masks used for RP and storytelling.

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Hello Loptr,


Lord Vaders First, 501st trooper, Badlands division reporting, rebel scum.


Jokes aside, I would recommend popping onto the "Linkshells" list as some are also Free Companies.


The (2nd) Intermission Linkshell would also be a good idea to join (the primary one is full iirc) its a place OOC to chat and plan. (The Skype channel as well, you can throw me an friend request at "Quarimar" and i'll add you if you like.)


While I do expand on some personal traits I like to think that I add and take away enough to create a unique experience for the people who get to know my character.


Best of luck in Eorzea, and please feel free to ask all manner of questions that might occur. Twelve know I had plenty.

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Hello Loptr,



Happy to see you taking the plunge into our little world. There a several FC's moving along now on Gilgamesh. Since it's already been suggested for you to visit the Linkshell page I would suggest you do a little lurking as well.


The city of Limsa is a hotbed of RP, stuff happens at both the Drowning Wench and the Bismarck (two spots easily found by using the map). In Thanalan, the Quicksand in Ul'Dah and the Coffer and Coin in Central Thanalan see RP too. Sadly I don't go to Gridania too much so I can't point you on the right direction there. :blush:


One last thing I would say is that the community is pretty sociable. RP FC's don't really draw lines in the sand. It is as likely your soon-to-be friends will belong to another FC as it is they will be from your own.


So be friendly and hope to see you face to face soon. :D

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Hello Loptr,


Lord Vaders First, 501st trooper, Badlands division reporting, rebel scum.


As soon as my Darth Traya headpiece is complete (the leather is presently drying), I'll be active in the Empire City Garrison; I'm with Echo Base (NY area, for those going 'what the HECK are these people saying?').


Oh yes. Tons of questions. But I'll get to 'em soon enough!


EDIT: Also, thank you, Desmond.

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Hello Loptr,


Lord Vaders First, 501st trooper, Badlands division reporting, rebel scum.


As soon as my Darth Traya headpiece is complete (the leather is presently drying), I'll be active in the Empire City Garrison; I'm with Echo Base (NY area, for those going 'what the HECK are these people saying?').


Oh yes. Tons of questions. But I'll get to 'em soon enough!


EDIT: Also, thank you, Desmond.


Vaders fist* /facepalm.


Traya head piece? with the wig or just the head/hair wrap in black? Either way, nice work.

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Vaders fist* /facepalm.


Traya head piece? with the wig or just the head/hair wrap in black? Either way, nice work.


I'm fluent in Typonese, so I read it the way you meant it.


The leather/gem headwrap she wears under the hood but over the wimple. I even have a couple of lightsabers with the hilts crafted to look like the ones she uses towards the end of KotOR 2 though weapons are (mercifully) no longer required.


There are a couple of images of it at 501st SL Traya Costume Standards


Thanks! It's going to be fun.

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