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Server Transfers: Worth the Jump?


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Hello, all.


I just found out this place existed yesterday, but I'm glad I found it! Started playing a month ago with a friend on Cactuar, but he's since stopped playing and I've been missing some good ol' role play for some time, of which said server is severely lacking.


Anyroad, now that server transfers are available, I wanted to get some opinions from the established role playing community here. Firstly, is it worth it to leave, in your opinion? What I mean by this is, is there actually a large amount of people role playing on the two chosen servers, or is it few and far afield? I don't want to end up switching, only to find more of the same boredom as my old server, you know?


Second, is the legacy aspect of Balmung a factor in any manner? I'm leaning on going there over Gilgamesh since it seems to be the primary spot for role players, based on what little I've read, but I don't want too much of a change from what I'm used to.


Any input would be incredible valuable and welcome. I can't wait to get back into this aspect of the game once again.


Thanks all,

Risheid Millen

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Hello Risheid,


While I'm not familiar with the exact distribution of players. I can say with confidence that RP on both servers isn't "far and few between" the informal, inviteless Coffer & Coffin event on the 5th had some 40 attendees alone, and the Formal Cold Moon Gala had some 200.


Legacy simply dictates a "mature" (read: pre-existing) community of people from the previous incarnation of FFXIV. There are of course a large amount of new players on both servers. The limitation being that Legacy characters cannot be transferred to "new" servers. Where as new characters can go to either.


A note on the non-RP communities, Gilgamesh supports the /r/ffxiv subreddit from reddit.com if you know people there you would be more likely to find them on Gilgamesh. Balmung has a large population from the server mergers in 1.0, active in both PVE and up and coming PVP.


While I won't go so far as to say they are the same. They are hardly as drastically different (of course this is anecdotal.) as some would make them appear.


Either way, I would, if Roleplay is your primary incentive, suggest transferring.


Please feel free to message me in game or ask any further questions here. Best of luck and hope to see you in Eorzea soon!

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Thanks for the speedy reply, Olofantur. This answered all of my questions and more. Looks like I have a transfer to put in place.




A pleasure to have been a service.


I suggest checking out the "Linkshells" directory to get a feel for what communities you might want to poke around or get involved with.


If you're ever on Balmung feel free to drop me a message.

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