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C'kayah Polaali

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I. Basic Info



  • Characters: C'kayah Polaali
  • Primary character: C'kayah Polaali (aka C'kayah Tia)
  • Linkshells: Tylwyth Narah, Friends of Momodi, Open RP
  • Primary RP linkshell: Friends of Momodi



II. RP Style



  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Heavy. I'm a total RP whore and will happily RP over anything else. I don't RP C'kayah as being part of the canon storyline - he doesn't have the Echo, he hasn't fought Ifrit, etc. He's a roguish sort, involved in smuggling and theft (and more recently infiltration and fixing). If you're looking for a grey area foil for your good guy, look no further! :D
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    C'kayah's not a heavy combat character, and tends to feel that if he's actually in a fight (as opposed to simply ambushing them) that he's done something terribly wrong. That said, I'm fine with RP combat, and I'm willing to accept any reasonable injuries as a result. Anything permanent (death, maiming) needs an OOC chat, first. Considering the nature of villain RP, I want to point out that I'm also open to the darker forms of violence should the story go there.
  • Views on IC romance:
    C'kayah's an inveterate womanizer and flirt, so romance often figures into a lot of the RP I do with him (not exclusively - he'll flirt with an attractive guard who's threatening to take him in, for instance). I'm careful to maintain the IC/OOC divide here, since it can be a sensitive issue for some folks.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    I'm open to pretty much any sort of RP, and see RPing family/tribal ties as being a great way to explore characters in more depth. I like to develop my characters as I RP, and this certainly includes RPing existing family or friends. I'm particularly impressed with the other Coeurl Tribe Miqo'te here, and would love to work my RP in with you folks.
  • Views on lore:
    I am an enormous Lord of the Rings geek. This, however, is not the Lord of the Rings *smiley*. While I like exploring the lore, I'm not a huge lore-hound and won't look down my nose at people for their lore-related choices.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I like /say to be IC, but I'm flexible. It all depends on context, really.



III. Other Info

  • Country: United States
  • Timezone: Pacific (GMT-8)
  • Contact info: PM me here or contact me in-game.

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