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Hi there! My name is Moxxi or X'Nala if you prefer to use my character's name instead, and I'm new to A Realm Reborn and its roleplay community, so new I haven't even gotten the chance to interact yet (I've only had the game for a week tops). I'm still newish to MMO's in general compared to most, my only real experience happens to be on World of Warcraft which I've played for roughly two or three years now and was up until recently happily roleplaying on. Other than MMO roleplaying though I've roleplayed on forums for about 9 years now, still not as good as some or most but I think I get by just fine. ^^


Erm, if I had to classify myself as a roleplayer type I'd say medium to heavy, sometimes I like to be OOC but that's usually in a raid/dungeon setting or other tells rather than out in the open unless of course it's just one of those nights for open silliness because I do tend to have those but I try to always be considerate of others around me. I was really excited to find this website, I've been dying to roleplay in game and can't wait to meet any and all of you! I'll probably toss up a character sheet soon just so everyone can get a feel but currently I'm between mains since I'm still feeling out the classes and race combos.


My timezone would be US Central Time and my gaming schedule is usually any day after 7 pm or anytime on Tuesday and Wednesday!

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Welcome to the RPC Moxxi,


If you have the chance, take a poke around the forums and check out what discussions are going on, might give you an idea of who to look out for in game. You can also take a look at the linkshell hall along the top for groups that you might meet/be interested in. I also suggest checking the Calendar to see if any events line up with your free time and interest you.


Can't go wrong with taking a look at the wiki, maybe snag a template and make a little <> page for your character where you can flesh out ideas, or just read about other peoples.


You mentioned being new to FFXIV, so I thought I should clarify when you mentioned race/class combos, while the starting race has little in game mechanics alteration (minor stats) the starting class does change what city you start in and the first segment of your "main story line". after level 10 how ever you can swap classes like I swap coats (Frequently and with great prejudice.)


Let us know if you have any questions or comments,


Side note, I left WoW what feels like ages ago, is Steamwheedle Cartel still trundling along?

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Thank you for all the information and suggestions! I have been looking around at the groups and checking things out. As for race/class combos I only meant finding ones that really inspired me, if that even makes sense to anyone but me. xD I had no idea about the classes though, that's good news! 8D


As for poor WoW...well, it was fun but I've become a bit burned out, the newer content has just lost its charm for me, I don't really know why but I just can't grind with very little roleplay to spice things up. I'm not sure about Steamwheedle Cartel, I heard they're doing steady, sort of, but I can't confirm or deny it since I really was only on WrA. Roleplay was just really hard to get into there unless you wanted just dry confrontation all the time, while I do love myself a good fight I prefer if they're not ALL the time. Such is the life of a Hordie atm though.

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Hrm thats unfortunate,


I hadn't spent time on Wyrmrest Accord, only SWC and Twisting Nether. (Undead in vanilla, re-rolled Belf in BC, dat racial.) I'll admit that even when I played, much of the spontaneous role play seemed to be excuses for duels, and while I think that does provide opportunity, much of it seemed ham-handed. (you're telling me a warlock can start a fight with a Paladin in the middle of SMC and not a single guard would tell them to take it outside? BAH!).


I do enjoy the freedom with classes, it affords a great variety of clothing and abilities that you don't often find in static assignment games. For example, i'll often switch to my fishing outfit when meandering across Thanalan, but back to the Thaumaturges robes when within the city.

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Well to be fair when people usually random roleplay it's not usually for duels but mostly, lately, it's to be all 'rawr I'm a Korkron be scared of me' which is all well and good but it's gotten boring to see the same thing day after day and I'm not sure when the stories will move on since I'm not sure when the new expansion or at least next storyline will hit. For me it just wasn't enough variety since it was mostly either one character ICly bullying another or fights, which it was all appropriate and such so I'm certainly not dogging them but it's just not my cup of tea atm. 


And I completely agree on the whole not thinking logically when fighting in a city, I mean the current atmosphere is that Garrosh was/is holding a tight leash on Org and exterminating the Darkspear but you have people running around IN ORGRIMAR screaming about being a rebel and how much Garrosh and the Kor'kron can suck it without any consequences. That doesn't generally go over well with the populace IC or OOC.


And I really like the options, because on one hand I'd LOVE to play a Conjurer for the RP side of things but I'm more keen on Melee classes like the Lancer or Gladiator when it comes to OOC gameplay so that's a feature I know I'll love!

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Well to be fair when people usually random roleplay it's not usually for duels but mostly, lately, it's to be all 'rawr I'm a Korkron be scared of me' which is all well and good but it's gotten boring to see the same thing day after day and I'm not sure when the stories will move on since I'm not sure when the new expansion or at least next storyline will hit. For me it just wasn't enough variety since it was mostly either one character ICly bullying another or fights, which it was all appropriate and such so I'm certainly not dogging them but it's just not my cup of tea atm. 


And I completely agree on the whole not thinking logically when fighting in a city, I mean the current atmosphere is that Garrosh was/is holding a tight leash on Org and exterminating the Darkspear but you have people running around IN ORGRIMAR screaming about being a rebel and how much Garrosh and the Kor'kron can suck it without any consequences. That doesn't generally go over well with the populace IC or OOC.


And I really like the options, because on one hand I'd LOVE to play a Conjurer for the RP side of things but I'm more keen on Melee classes like the Lancer or Gladiator when it comes to OOC gameplay so that's a feature I know I'll love!


WRA? Kolab Shatterskull. Best Korkron Deadeye known to man...


Otherwise I can't say about them other things. My biggest issue before I left (about two or three months ago) was that no one seemed to know -exactly- what the status was ICly. Some people said Trolls were outcasts (usually Korkron RPers), some people said the issue was already over, some thought it was early on (pre-rebellion), some thought it was already over, and some just flat out pretended it didn't exist.


*adjusts glasses* Never happened in my day on ol' Ravenholdt. Admittedly that was several years ago and I've been on and off WRA Horde (mostly) and Alliance side since. So it's good to meet you here! Sorry about all that silly WoW ... business.


Thing to note about Conjury that if you decide to go the Lore route there's some important info to pick up through the storyline that they'll tell you (Won't spoiler you~<3) . Also Conjurers and WHMs are pretty rare? And often you want to go through the Padjal in Gridania. This has been brought up before on this forum and some people are sticklers for things like that-- I personally don't mind if anyone just has natural healing abilities or has some other aetheric approach. Or even non-aetheric approaches. It's why I always gotta ask how healers heal ICly.


/semi-sad about dat Gilgamesh.

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Haha that's kind of awesome because I've definitely seen you around before but we've never interacted! I don't have anything against the Korkron players at all, all of them were just being IC, I just personally didn't care for the stagnant state everyone was stuck in. And like you said now no one seems to know what time frame things are in so unless you're friends with everyone (I'm kind of shy so I'm not xD) you can't really rp in the open unless you just don't mention current affairs or anything. It's cool to have met you here as well and no sorry needed!


Thank you for that, I would have no idea and probably made a fool of myself. I haven't started my Conjurer yet but I'll definitely look into that since I whole heartedly plan to soon. I'm always kind of skittish about roleplaying out actual healing because everyone has a different take so I usually just ask what they're comfortable with and such. Some people don't want their wounds completely healed just like magic sometime ya know? Ruins the mood. xD


I've actually been considering moving to Balmung now that I see it's rather more populated but I'm terrified of my newbishness being scoffed at. xD

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I've actually been considering moving to Balmung now that I see it's rather more populated but I'm terrified of my newbishness being scoffed at. xD


PSH, we all started some where.


Interesting to hear about the old WoW servers, I might go and poke around on some down time in the future.


A note on Conjury, I highly suggest getting up to the Job level of about (35? maybe 40) for a few big lore chucks that a lot of people are hesitant to talk about for the sake of spoiling. (And its one of the best sequences imo.)


A good point on the healing, never a bad idea to approach some one to test the waters with how they'll feel about a given event. I'm always cautious like that when it comes to money. Some characters have different scales for "a lot".


Lemme know if you need any questions answered, i'll be trundling around La Noscea this evening. Fishing, very relaxing :chocobo:

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I know, I'm not really new to roleplay per say but I am compared to a lot of vets and I don't know the entirety of the lore just yet.


Thanks for all the tips! I wish I could make a Conjurer and start in that area but unfortunately not, I'm not sure I'd be able to make it to 15 to get there before I had to head off to bed. If I started now maybe but I'm letting my roommate use my console, curse not being able to just use one license for PC and Playstation!


If I do make it on in that area though I might see if I can find you and make a nuisance of myself. ;D

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