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Greetings! [Balmung Newbie]

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Hi! I'm IagoWynne (or just 'Wynne') and I'm fairly new to FFXIV:ARR. I'm 24 and from England, so I'm playing in the GMT timezone... hopefully that's not a problem. I've been playing for about 2 weeks now, although I've spent the majority of my time on Hyperion 'cos that's where my work colleagues had already rolled characters... and unfortunately they're not RPers. However, as should be evident from my posting here, I am an RPer, so I sought out the RP community.


I'm fairly new to RP in MMOs - I started in RIFT about 2.5 ago, then moved to GW2, where I still RP a bit - although I've been doing tabletop RP for about 6-7 years now, I dabbled with forum RP for a bit before then, and I LARPed a bit when I was at university. I'd probably describe myself as a medium-heavy RPer nowadays.


I've already created a character on Balmung: a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te female (I'm aware there's about a billion Miqo'te around, so... ummm... sorry for jumping on that bandwagon) - Khemi Amariya - but I'm not particularly up-to-speed on the lore yet, so while I have a basic personality sorted, her backstory is sketchy at the moment. Have no fear: I shall be sorting that out before I actively RP her; I'm levelling her a bit first 'cos I don't think the Miqo'te clothing really suits her character.


Anyway, due to my timezone differences, my work hours starting at 08:00 (meaning I tend to log out at around 22:00 UK time on week nights), and the need to level on Hyperion so I can play with my friends, I know I probably won't be able to get heavily involved in storyline RP for a while. I would, however, appreciate being able to get involved in some way, so feel free to contact me in-game if you see me.

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Hello Iago (Oh honest Iago) Wynne,


Being in England should serve little issue here, feel free to check out "Europa" (And any number of linkshells listed in the Linkshell hall) To find a group of like minded individuals to interact with.


I highly recommend poking around the forums, chances are there will be a thread to interest you. and if not you can always start your own! Remember that we're here to help, ask questions, make comments, the whole deal.


I'll be on most of tonight (so your morning) at the Coffer & Coffin event if you care to stop by (its listed on the calendar, where you can see all manner of other activities.)


Good luck and good hunting out in Eorzea.

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