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Balmung server LF FC

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Hi guys.

I have recently joined Balmung and am desperately looking for an active RP Free Company.  Not looking for one that is enormous as that makes it hard to keep up with everything happening at once, besides that, things can be more personal with a medium to smaller group.  My characters name is Chibi Holyhand.  I am gearing him to go down the path of the healer. Please contact me if your FC is recruiting.  I have many years of experiance in Roleplaying in MMO's and other avenues.  Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Hello Chibi,


Just a word of advice, a lot of FC's/Linkshells will require you to go to them. You can get a synopsis of most of them in the "linkshell" directory above. Of course each has their own rules and guidelines, but most are open to casual conversation with the representatives here and in game so you can get a better idea of the group and all that jazz.


Feel free to throw up your character synopsis in the "Directory" under which ever server (in your case Balmung) or on the Wiki, a handy little tool you can redirect people to if they want to know a few things about your character before meeting you in game, or something to reference yourself for information.


If you'd be able to expand on what style of RP FC you're looking for I might be able to make a few recommendations. A wandering band of Mercenaries? perhaps a group of Craft suppliers and harvesters? Thuggish types?


You can also poke around the forums if you're interested in seeing what events are happening, or what stories that are rolling along you'd be interested in. If you have any questions or comments make sure to post them, or message me in game. Its a wide world out there, hope to see you in it!

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Well I like group RP and unfortunatley not very educated on lore of FF14 so a synopsis of my character is a bit rough for me right now. I usually like to feed off other people and develop my characters personality as I go.  However Pirate or Bandit (thuggish as you said) seems like a really fun time to me.  Any info would help

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Hmm off the top of my head there's the Black Lotus Cartel, The Blades of Nald'Thal, and maybe Rosa? It (again) depends on what exactly you're looking for, but I think that covers a fairly large difference in demographic. They each have entries under the Linkshell tab, you can post directly to their listing, or use the contact information they'll likely post.


Hope that helps set you on your way. Eorzeas a big place with a lot of people so i'm sure you'll be able to find somewhere to your liking in time.

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