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Saved Character: Beta > Retail?


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It serves several purposes. For example, it saved me several steps of clicking when I wanted to move Rhio from Lindblum to Besaid.


This having been said, having peeked inside the game's directory structure, it does seem like the information is probably saved locally. There is likely a workaround if you want to save your character for the retail release. I'm just not anticipating it being a baseline supported feature.

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It serves several purposes. For example, it saved me several steps of clicking when I wanted to move Rhio from Lindblum to Besaid.


This having been said, having peeked inside the game's directory structure, it does seem like the information is probably saved locally. There is likely a workaround if you want to save your character for the retail release. I'm just not anticipating it being a baseline supported feature.


Sounds logical to me :approve:

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