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Hello, Gilgamesh.


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To be clear, I've been playing FFXIV for about two months, and have spent some of this time RPing! I've even been on here for a little while, but I've only recently started actively posting. So I'm not 100% new, but I'm kind of new to activity on the site and RPing outside of my existing circle of friends.



--MMORPG background: I've been an on-again, off-again MMO player for the past seven or so years. Most things I played I only briefly dabbled in before losing interest- Maple Story, Ragnarok Online, Conquer Online, Trickster Online, Aion, Perfect World- but I've also been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch day, and found it was a surprisingly good match for me. Of course, my participation in GW2 has waned considerably since I started FFXIV! I never played FFXI or 1.0, and hadn't been planning on joining this game until it caught the eye of some of my RP friends.


--RP experience: Haven't been RPing online quite as long- I started that about five years ago, with journal-based RP on livejournal and insanejournal. Since then, I've participated fairly regularly in RP, either in journal, chat, or IRL tabletop format! I guess I'd call myself a mid-range RPer- I haven't been doing it forever, but by now I'm definitely experienced.


--Character ideas/info: My only character currently is Aumeric Chassebel, a Duskwight Elezen. He's a bit of a "runaway princess" type of character, in that he got himself intentionally kidnapped from a wealthy but stifling family by a traveling theatre company, and is now an actor. He's also filled with wonder for the world beyond his home- spending most of your life in a cave will kind of keep you from experiencing a lot of wonderful things, as it turns out- and has been trying to dabble in every craft he can get his hands on. He's polite, a little shy, a bit of a bookworm, and intensely naive about a lot of things, but he also has a bit of a backbone- how else would he have sought out his "kidnappers", after all? Loves things like flowers, chocobos, and the sea. Is too pretty for his own good.


--How did you learn about the coalition?: Through the other members of my Free Company. They've been keeping a closer eye on the RP community for the game than I have.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?: I suppose medium! I still have a ways to go with leveling my character to my satisfaction, and not all of my time in-game is spent in-character, but I'm also looking to expand my IC interactions beyond the realm of just my Free Company and their associates. I like to have fun, but don't mind more serious stories, just as long as the don't delve into off-putting grimdark or ludicrously lore-breaking.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc): I'm afraid I'm hardly the most interesting. I'm an artist, if that has any relevance, and my work can be found over at http://ansemaru.tumblr.com/ if you're for some reason curious about that. I also write, and spend way too much time over-analyzing video games and stupid anime. Outside of that... I suppose you could call me an amateur biologist? I know a lot of trivial nonsense about the natural world, and have spent time working in the field of malacology (the study of mollusks). I'm basically just a huge nerd.

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