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Greetings roleplayers!


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Hello there! My name is Riza Rinn on these forums as well as ingame, I'm a new rolepolayer to this game, but one heck of an old roleplayer in general. I'm playing on Balmung as most of you guys also are, (stalking is good). 


I do find Realm reborn slightly confusing when I'm used to the casual World of Warcraft Argent Dawn roleplay, together with Guild wars 2 roleplay where we all knew where and when to go. At this point I'm utterly lost to where roleplay normally happens, and therefor am looking for sweet people like you folks, to kick start me and get me onboard the roleplay stream. 


I am currently member of a linkshell for roleplayers so that's a great help, but it is still confusing when most suggest to find a tavern in the bigger cities to find roleplay.


What I'm hoping from this forum is that I'm able to sniff out some contacts and potential friends to get something standing ooc before entering icly. You know, the casual contact whom can be old friends or family. 


Right, that was a longer indruction...Don't hope I come of as demanding, I just really wish to get into this roleplay with you all.


PS! I'm from Denmark, so my time zone may differ a lot depending on where you are from.

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Salutations Riza!


I've heard of the linkshell "OOC: RP network" in passing before, if you have the chance would you be able to ask the leader to make a posting on the RPCs linkshell hall? If they don't mind of course.


As far as meeting more people, I can't offer a better place than





The first is "Europa" and OOC linkshell that centers around EU hours, the second is "Intermission" a more over arching OOC linkshell for pretty much anyone.


As far as "taverns in the bigger cities" people are likely referring to the adventurers guilds where the Inn and Leve providers are located. At the crux of it these areas have a lot of seating, something the Rpers tend to gravitate towards. Theres' a forum post of "RP hot spots" that you can take a look at for a more in depth guide.


the RPC itself has a few tools you can use to get to know the people. there are the forums of course with many different topics where you can collaborate and plan to your hearts content. The Wiki provides snippits of Lore and Character profiles. The Calendar lists RP events and so on. Here's a little link that goes over it a bit more. http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/misc.php?page=welcome


If you have any follow up questions feel free to let me know, best of luck in Eorzea!

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I've heard of the linkshell "OOC: RP network" in passing before, if you have the chance would you be able to ask the leader to make a posting on the RPCs linkshell hall? If they don't mind of course.


I'm good friends with Rhi, the master (mistress?) of the linkshell. I'll ask her about it tonight.


Hi, Riza! I'll probably see you around!

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