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Lansquenet - Yes, Another Housing Aution


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My half of Asyun's two images is done! 




Apologies for the delay! My last tablet nib wore out and I've had to wait on new ones for a while because of the post around the holidays. Hope you like it!


(Ansemaru is having irl things and has been away from home for the holidays, I believe. I may be taking on some of his images once I'm done with my own backlog, if he's still having difficulties. Thanks for everyone's patience.)

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I've gotten things back on track, and I've finished the commission for Olofantur!



Aysun, you're up next. And I believe references are owed by LandStander for your two headshots, so if you could PM me those, that would be great.


While I haven't had the chance to be on the RPC more often, its good to see this is moving forward!


Best of luck with your other works Ansemaru, I really like what you did :D

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  • 2 months later...

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