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Another Newbie!

Cemi Epocan

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Howdy Hi!


I'm Avila and I'll be another Al Mhigan refugee who has managed to scrape a living off in the prospering jewel of the desert!


By less than savoury and honourable means but a woman has to take whatever work she can get, right? ;O




Nice to meet you all and I hope to see you all in game!


MMORPG Background

World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Lord of the Rings Online, Allods Online, Final Fantasy XI, EverQuest and now this one!


RP experience

Plenty of it! I have been roleplaying for around fifteen years now!


Character Ideas/Info

Avila is was born into her ancestral homeland of Al Mhigo, and only a child when it fell. Her father was a Monk of their nations military, known to be the elite of the military might. Her mother was an honest House Wife, who chose to stay at home and raise Avila and her two brothers. When the Empire invaded Al Mhigo, her father stayed behind to fight off the invaders and give his family a chance to flee. As Avila was just a toddler, she only has vague memories of that day. While her mother was fleeing, they ended up running into one of the Empire's invading parties. To protect his family and follow in his fathers footsteps, the other brothers chose to fight against the Empire, giving Avila and her mother another chance to escape. The two brothers dissapeared from their sights, either captured, killed or survived, she does not know. Her mother escaped to Thanalan with the rest of the refugee's and attempted to scrape a living off the stone of Ul'dah. 



Her mother found work in a local tavern as a personal dancer, and was able to earn the coin to survive. Eventually however, her mother was deemed too old to work and lost her job. She moved to little Ala Mhigo with the rest of her kinsmen and by now Avila was old enough to think for herself. Living in poverty and strife, she was determined to not end up in poverty like her mother, but wanted to provide for her instead. Perhaps meet a wealthy Captain or man of the city whom she can provide strong children for. Her mother on the other hand, wanted her to be traditional and wed into her own people, as they were practically a dying race now. Growing up she wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps, but lacked both the mentor and training to do it. 



When she was fourteen she left the safety of her mother's grasp and began work in the city as a dancer. Deciding she need a method of defending herself should things with customers go awry, and wanting to make something out of herself, she joined the Pugilists guild and when not working, trains there. She is however, reaching her late twenties and is soon losing her job to the younger models. So now, she seeks to find work in whatever form she can.

Despite all this, she remains standing with a positive outlook on life, counting her blessings for being able to survive despite the fall of her hometown. Even though proud of her Al Mhigan heritage, she considers herself of Ul'dah, before most.



That is what I have so far. What do you think of it?



How did you learn of the coalition?

A friend informed me!


What kind of role-player are you aiming to be?

Heavy all the way when I am not leveling!


Anything from real life you're comfortable sharing?

I work part time, evening and weekends mostly. When not working I can be found in game! I like to consider myself friendly so I am always open for conversation, no matter how random!

I love to roleplay and spark plotlines, so I am open for anything of the sort!

What else...


I am a woman, I'm English, and I love to paint! I joined an American server not only due to the abundance of roleplay, but because the playing times suit me better. I am working when most European players are online, and I am online when they are either at school/work or sleeping. I find my nocturnal nature suites better to American servers! Since they are active when I am! :o

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I'd say it was a good server choice regardless of your sleeping patterns, since there's no European unofficial rp forums, so we're all here on NA disguised...but shhh or they're recognize us! *puts hood on and sneaks towards the dusk*

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NINJA! *Looks about with an exclamation point over his head, eventually calms down and resumes staring blankly into space facing the wrong way*


Errr, Ah! Welcome and good to meet you, I'm Black Hat. *Tips aforementioned fedora* 


I like the thought you've put into your character, twas engrossing and informative. I enjoy the concept of the refugee out on the sands, it's one I haven't messed with personally but still holds a special place for me. While my grumpy elezen isn't much of a conversationalist, he's a decent sort and I'm always up for RPing so friend me at your leisure on Lukas Valenwood. I'd pitch my FC but we're not ready yet, still in the developmental stage. It's a decent group of RPers though, so plenty of opportunities to play.


And of course, Welcome to the RPC.


-Black Hat

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Greeting and welcome to the RPC Avila,


Ala Mhigo has plenty of interesting lore about it, the "Fists of Rhalgr" the primary monk organization in the city before their purge by the mad king. And while I think it certainly reasonable to use flight from the city at the empires arrival and ending up in Little Ala Mhigo as a solid idea, perhaps you want to touch on how his family would have been a resistance element to the Garleans. Many Ala Mhigans seeing them (initially) almost as a liberation. But there is plenty of time to find out about it and many more people with better informed graps on the lore surrounding the great city of Highlanders.


Good to see you've got some experience in MMOs (wooo EQ!) and possibly elsewhere, its nice when you can hit the ground running to a certain extent. I'm going to post below a series of links that will hopefully be useful to you, the first 2 being more about the RPC, and the last few communities that you might want to take a look at in game.



This is a welcome post from the whole RPC, if you've spent some time on the site clicking around and exploring it won't likely provide anything new for you, but perhaps you over looked the Lantern.



A roleplay Handbook made by Eva, chances are you already have a firm grasp of most of the material, how ever there are things (such as teleport via the Aethernet) that are touched on and more specific to FFXIV. Maybe just a skim through? I found it a great refresher after a break I took.


But onto the communities!


"Intermission" is an Out of Character chatter hub for Roleplayers of all shapes, sizes, personalities and other not particularly important descriptive features. A good way to get to know the people behind the character, or even just find out where the characters are! maybe ask what they're up to, see whats going on.


While you mentioned mostly playing in "off hours" for EU, I still recommend taking a look at:


"Europa" is an EU based Linkshell that like Intermission is great for getting to know people, though these will likely be closer to home, and understand just how hilarious it is when Arsenal beats Chelsea in another game.


Or maybe you're just looking for some people to chum it up with, cracking skulls and all that jazz.


"Balmungs Finest" is all about group content, be it getting you a group, or filling spots that are open. From sastacha to primals, if theres content that needs to be done, these are good people to do it with.


Phew, I hope none of that seemed pushy or dull. Eorzea, and the RPC even more so are filled with people, groups and organizations that are willing to do a lot to help people along their way.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to post them! Best of luck in Eorzea :cactuar:

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