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Gridanian Delegation (Inactive)


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[align=center]Welcome to the Gridanian Delegation![/align]

[align=center]:cactuar: (A Heavy Roleplaying, Med PvP-PvE Free Company) :cactuar:[/align]



Hello there friends, if you're reading this; good news! You've just taken the first step in what we hope is a great experience in Twin Adder based Free Company Roleplaying. Now you might have a few questions and we'll be doing our best to answer them.





Q. What is the Gridanian Delegation



A. When people think of Gridania several things come to mind "Nature loving hippies" maybe? "Black Shroud Isolationists"? Certainly possible. But more importantly Gridania as a city-state does indeed give off a sort of isolationist feel after all it's culture and custom is vastly different than the other two (Not necessarily better! But sometimes I like to think so.) but that's where the Gridanian Delegation comes in, our goal is to bring the nature of Gridanian Roleplaying to the rest of Eorzea at large after all even if the Sands of Ul'dah or the Shores of La Noscea don't have benevolent Elementals at large don't they too have life that needs supported and nurtured?




Q. What are the Gridanian Delegation's Beliefs (IC)?



A. We believe all Eorzean life should be protected, inside and outside of the Black Shroud.




Q. What are the Gridanian Delegation's Beliefs (OOC)?



A. We believe in quality over quantity while you won't see us attending server events in egregious server lagging swarms like some of the more popular Companies our goal is to provide a fine roleplaying experience and leave a fun, lasting impression on all who cross our path ICly and OOCly.





Q. What are you looking for?



A. Good question! The number one thing we're looking for is roleplayers, high quality roleplayers with years of experience under their belt, or new ones just taking their first step into the world of MMO's we want you all! Secondly we're also seeking potential officers.




Q. What do you expect from officers (and members at times).



A. Not much, community management is a big one of course and maybe group leaders once we start foraying into the End Game content. Just be a friend to the Free Company and we'll be a friend back! Here at the Delegation we believe communication is the #1 factor in a successful Free Company, no we don't meaning signing in once a day and chatting up the members, (Though we do like to see you.) but tools like Skype and Email are essential in keeping a transparent leadership. Even if we don't see you in-game for lengths of time we care about you a want to be friends first Company Members second so please don't feel like Big Brother is watching you we're not chastising you for not signing in we're just concerned. We believe playing a game isn't a job and it shouldn't feel like one! (Even if you're helping run an FC)




Q. What can I (The Player) expect from you? (The Free Company)



A. A warm, friendly environment full of roleplayers of various experience and expertise! But more importantly a Free Company of friends and not your boss, that annoying co-worker, or that ever watchful supervisor we're here to have fun so...... let's make it a blast! :bomb: (get it?)





Q. I'm hyped (or mildly enthused) How do I join!?[/align]


A. There are several ways, the best way of course is to apply through our Company site, second is to email me personally (PM on the Hydalen Forums may be effective as well.), Thirdly would be to message me in game (As a WHM that's still leveling up I'm constantly in dungeons and guildhestes as I find FATE grinding irritating so it might be hard to reach me in game.) )


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