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Been a while since I've done one of these. Let's see if I still know what I'm doing.


--MMORPG background


7 years + in EVE Online, still going somewhat strong although the entire system runs itself pretty much nowadays. I’ve played a whole bunch of other MMOs in between: Pirates of the Burning Sea, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Age of Conan, and Aion. Was heavily into speed clearing in GW, was probably the pinnacle of my MMO “career” for a good couple of years.


--RP experience


6 ½ years in EVE, a little in AoC. EVE being what it is I’ve gone through as close to murder as you can get, betrayal, bankruptcy, corporate espionage…too much to list really, playing a mercenary gets you into awkward situations but usually comes at some sort of cost, be it societal, fiscal or emotional. My AoC presence was a bit weak, nothing to write home about. Outside of gaming, PnP occasionally, more sci-fi orientated than fantasy (Eclipse Phase mainly), although I’ve got a soft spot for backhanding people with a mace in 3rd.


--Character ideas/info


Berechar, oh Berechar, where did you learn such nonconformity? Name aside, I general play middle of the road characters, leaning to either side of the moral compass as needs must. I tend to flesh out characters through interaction and Berechar is no exception. He’s got a history for sure, but it’s the awkward questions that not only make for good RP but allow for great character development.


There’s certainly some sketchy money making going on with Berechar somewhere; business practices that some may not agree with, but it’s all a means to an end. When it comes down to choosing sides he’ll usually find himself on the “right” one. Which one is that you ask? You’ll have to find out.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


Linkshell hunting through the official forums and Reddit.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


Somewhere in between medium and heavy, I’m familiar with being IC all the time, but it helps to have somewhere to just chat, be it voice comms or a chat channel. Not averse to dipping my toes into something a little heavier again though; change is always good, and gets the brain working.


Hunting for a linkshell or two at the moment to flesh Berechar out whilst settling in for the long haul and deciding where I want to take him. EVE has calmed my instant gratification quite nicely in that respect.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


Small project manager, do a lot of work with helpdesk and back end support of gambling systems for a medium sized company in the UK. I do a little bit of writing, like my music (recently started picking up some nice bits of vinyl), and wish I read as much as I used to. I also have a tendency to block watch tv/anime which leads to a focus on related topics for a while. Bit seasonal really.

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Welcome to the RPC! You say you work in the UK so I thought I'd mention some of the EU communities on Balmung: Europa is an OOC/LFRP linkshell, The Travellers Guild is an RP free company and Eorzean Union is an endgame PVE free company, all playing during EU peak times. Also be sure to check out the Bronze Lake Resort; it's also EU timed and a great way to meet new people.


If I misunderstood and you're not actually in EU then sorry haha but hope you settle in well and feel free to say hello if you see Rinh about! ^^

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Welcome to the RPC! You say you work in the UK so I thought I'd mention some of the EU communities on Balmung: Europa is an OOC/LFRP linkshell, The Travellers Guild is an RP free company and Eorzean Union is an endgame PVE free company, all playing during EU peak times. Also be sure to check out the Bronze Lake Resort; it's also EU timed and a great way to meet new people.


If I misunderstood and you're not actually in EU then sorry haha but hope you settle in well and feel free to say hello if you see Rinh about! ^^


You read into it right, don't worry :). Thanks for the suggestions on Linkshells as well, have only had the chance to have a brief look over what's available so a few first ports of call are much appreciated.


That said, good RP transcends timezones so I work across them all if I can.


Excellent! I love it when roleplayers venture into the moral grey.


Welcome, Berechar! I hope to see you around sometime. Feel free to poke me in-game if you're inclined. :)


I've developed a taste for it, that's for sure. Certainly makes for some very interesting situations that can require some quick thinking to make the most of.


I'll be sure to poke ;).

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