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Lyrielle Draws Things and Stuff


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Howdy again, Lyr! Loving the art you're posting, as always. :) Just to let you know, the moment I have levelled Monk to 50, I will likely be calling upon you again if that's okay. This guy's RP gear shall be the Darklight Monk set (for... Reasons), and would love you to draw him when I can get screenshots!


Again, awesome work! Keep it up, and I look forward to seeing your practice pieces/cute oh-my-god-it's-a-reindeer-CUUUUUUTE chibi! :thumbsup: :moogle:

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Hello hello everyone! :D


Thank you all so much for the compliments! You all are so nice TuT


Asgarn, I'm totally up for that, just have to work through the last of the commissions that I have. I think I'm going to put up a "commissions open" post when I finish this batch.


As for the art of today, I am so, sooooo close to finishing yours, Qata. So close! It'll probably be up by the end of the day. 


I do, however, have progress reports. 


Ru, here are the poses I'm thinking of using for your family portrait. Tell me what you think :3





Also, Asgarn, I'm almost done with phase one of chibification. Would you like me to post a sneak peek of the WIP for you?

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Helllllloooo, my lovely lovely peoples. 


I have two arts to post today :D 


Qata, yours is alll done thumbsup.gif




And also, i have a doodle I did because I got bored today. This is from one of my favorite screenshots ever that I took hanging out with Tobias. BTW, Tobias, welcome back! biggrin.gif Have an art.




Asgarn, I am scanning step one of chibification in soon. I promise!


Leanne, send me references! And PM me to figure out pricing :3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my gosh guys, I'm so sorry.



It's been a crazy few weeks, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to finish or post things. I'm really going to crack down on it this week.


*apologetic bows x1000000*


If any commission have grown outdated, please let me know. If you have already paid me for it, I will give you a refund. 


There will be arts soon, I promise!

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