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I'll try to keep this short.


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Good morning/afternoon/evening!


This should be pretty interesting. I've been a longtime (about 8 years and counting) member of various para-RP communities, leaning more toward straight writing and the interweaving of stories, but I've always wanted to try something a bit less structured like RP in an MMO.


Final Fantasy XIV looked pretty amazing, so I picked it up recently. By level five I found myself wondering if there might be an active roleplaying community for the game - perhaps a roleplay world? - and, well, here I am.



If you folks have any advice for someone as green myself (having literally owned the game for two days AND having to share the friggin' TV) I'll eagerly accept it.



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Balmung is the unofficial RP Legacy server, Gilgamesh is the unofficial RP non-legacy server.


I'm not sure which is more heavily populated with RPers. I'm on Balmung so can't speak to the Gilgamesh population, however Balmung is heavily populated with RPers that you almost step on them as they tend to lounge anywhere they can in the major cities. :D The most popular RP places being in the three adventurer's guild.


There are also plenty of RP Free Companies and RP Linkshells that you could join with many different concepts so that you can probably find at LEAST one that will fit your character.


Hope this helps, it hardly does the Balmung RP community justice, but it's short and sweet. I'll let someone else from Gilgamesh tell you about their world.

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The prospect of Warriors of Light running around is kind of interesting to me, so I think I'll be joining you in Balmung - thank you!


I'll likely be keeping to myself for the first few levels, since I'm playing on the ps3 and haven't acquired a keyboard yet, but I am excited to see how this goes.

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If you play close enough to your PS3 a normal USB keyboard for a computer works. I just played for a week or so on a PS3 (I'm normally PC) while I was home with family for Christmas. I played with a PS3 controller adn then for chat purposes I used the USB Keyboard. Now, unfortunately, it can't be a wireless keyboard as the PS3 has no way of downloading the drivers for that, but a wired one works just fine. And if you already have one, then you don't have to spend the extra money on the PS3 controller keyboard.

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Yup! I had intended to go to Radio Shack or something to get a cheap USB keyboard today, but unfortunately I live in Maine and it's blizzarding today. Probably better to gain a general understanding of gameplay, emotes and such before jumping in anyway, I suppose. Haha.


Thank you for all your help!

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