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Interested of Realm Reborn to RP


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Hi all


I've been to MMO games bit over 10 years and always loved role-playing, longest sprees being 5 years in a few Neverwinter Nights realms (original NWN) and 3 years in WoW RP guild. I was once interested in Tera enough to buy it and then sadly to notice there wasn't much RP on the european servers and everyone into that seemed to be on one specific american realm which wasn't accessible with the european copy, so it kinda took my interest away. Then tried FF XIV Realm Reborn beta over the weekends and liked it a lot as a game. Now noticing it isn't restricted by continents like Tera and that there seems to be actually some RP around it! So, I have a few questions while purchasing and installing it.


It seems Balmung is the most popular realm, so it'd be good first choice when wanting to RP with main as much as possible?   Also, I'm not very good with the lore but I guess it has to be learned on the way as every FF game is so different anyway, only things like Chocobos and some other staying the same ofcourse. ^_^   Is there much RP going on the streets, towns and open world or are they usually events by players at specific time and place? I also guess that RP in english is mostly by players in the US but while times permit there are also some europeans (like maybe me, from Finland) taking part?

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Welcome to FF and the RPC!


Balmung is the legacy server and, by far, larger than Gilgamesh (we're tiny and close knit).  I personally recommend making an alt on each server and giving each community a try.  Poke around some of the RP OOC channels, check out the free companies, see what prime times fit your needs best.


We got a guy from Finland in our little FC over here on Gilgamesh.  Poor guy, stays up so late to RP with us State-side folks.  I just keep making friends with people in GMT.  >.>


Anyways, welcome again, and feel free to poke me should you wander over to Gilgamesh!

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This is my first foray into game RP; typically I just stick to forums, but I'm pleasantly surprised. Actually, I'd go as far as to say I really wish I had tried it sooner! I know that's not the most reliable answer considering I'm a first timer with MMOs, but I love it.

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Welcome to the RPC! I also played for many years on NWN persistent worlds. It's what got me to take the plunge and give WoW and other MMOs a try since I'd only played single player games before.


If you end up on Balmung, we have a very active EU community here. Europa is an OOC/LFRP linkshell, The Travellers Guild is an RP free company (and we have a few Finns in TTG) and Eorzean Union is an endgame PVE free company, all playing during EU peak times. Also be sure to check out the Bronze Lake Resort; it's EU timed and a great way to meet new people.

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Guest Ciceroix

Welcome buppi!


Being the Finn mentioned by Edalyne above, I'd say most of the RP happens in our night-time. There is, however, action to be found earlier as well, at least if you're proactive about it. Early mornings are an option as well, it all depends on your own sleep rhythms I guess. I know mine is completely messed up at the moment, having stayed up for the delicious prime time RP a couple of nights in a row.. :D


Gilgamesh is smaller as a community but lately there seems to be a new surge of activity going on, or at least it would appear so. RP is normally centered around the taverns (and those of Limsa Lominsa in particular) but it can be found in the streets as well. As for the community events, I'm yet to attend any but word has it they are quite popular.


English is the way to go, of course, but there are also European players of various nationalities around. You can give me a holler in game should you wish to check for yourself what our server has to offer. You can also check the Linkshells section of this site for any interesting Linkshells or Free Companies to join, though there are many active RP groups that aren't listed there.

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